The Student Room Group

im confused

I have a close guy friend who was in the same situation as me and joined the same sixth form as me two years ago. We had our lessons together and we have are really close. He tells me stuf fhe wouldn't tell anyone else.My ex bf was also peeved that he always flirted with me and spiked my drink sometimes as a joke (no drugs just a bit of port lol) but i dismissed it as a friendly sort of fun thing and never took it seriously...u know no underlying currents. On results night we were both really drunk and he told me somethin about buildin up to this for 2 years and kissed me...i dismissed it as a silly mistake but i went out last night and he was sober and i was typsy and he told me if he had to pick between this other girl and me he would pick me he then danced with me really close and he wanted to kiss me again and again but the thing is i like it....i mean we are off to uni next week and he will only be an hour or two away but its really confusing me. Hes conscious of my ex and the fact that he still has a thing for me. He doesn't have a good track record with girls and he used to go out to clubs and get off with random girls but lately hes calmed down and last night he didn't go after any other girls. What you think i should do? What do you think he wants?
Reply 1
he wants you
Reply 2
Seems quite clear that he wants you, go for it!
Aaaw go for it or regret it FOREVER! :biggrin: he lurvs you :p: lol xxx
Reply 4
Yep it's clear he wants you.
It's now time to ask you want him?