The Student Room Group
I sympathise entirely. :frown:

Anything specific you'd like to talk about?
Reply 2
well i feel like my closest ever friend is drifting away from me, she isn't the same as she used to be.. maybe because of school stress etc but it just feels weird and stuff is changing... im so scared of uni next year, scared of losing my old friends. me and my parents just don't get on, all they do is yell about everything i do and i can't escape it cos they actually follow me into my room. i work twice a week and hate it, sitting on a till all day ergh, but it's the only way i can pay for my driving lessons and clothes cos my parents won't. and every night for a few months now i've felt like i wanna die. x x
I know how you feel, if it's any consolation. :frown: I sympathise with pretty much all of it except the job. Have you thought you might be (clinically) depressed at all? You might want to see your doctor. Counselling I've heard can really help - except I declined. :redface:
Reply 4
why did u decline? yeah im gonna try and see a counsellor.
i think the reason for all of this is cos iv liked this person for like 6 years and its killing me
Sorry about the late replies - if you use the quote button next to my posts I'll see them sooner. :smile:

6 years? ****ing hell. Was 2 and a half for me. I declined because, basically, I didn't want counselling - I have no idea why but I just didn't want it.
I agree that you should think about seeing a counsellor or a doctor.

What you're feeling about uni is probably normal - most people are terrified about leaving their friends to start completely afresh with new people, in a new situation. But there are plenty of ways to stay in touch with old friends - and if you all want to stay friends even after uni, then keeping in touch shouldn't be a problem.

I think you should talk to your parents about how you're feeling - I know you said you don't have a good relationship, but maybe this could improve if they knew how upset you are at the moment? Is there a specific reason why you don't get on with them? And do they get on well with each other?

It's horrible when it happens, but sometimes friends just grow apart - this has actually happened to me this year - things just sometimes aren't how they used to be. It could just be school stress - try to make time to hang out specifically just with this friend, and tell them how you feel. Maybe there's something going on with them which you don't know about, which is causing the distance?

And this person you've liked - do they know you like them? Are they in your year / school?

PM me if you want to chat anytime :smile: