The Student Room Group

MOTIVATION.. how to get it!!!???

At the start of 6th form, I was really motivated to get on track and do work but now.. with all the PS, university, coursework jumping at me...

I didn't do so well at As, so i want to try my hardest at A2.

I'm starting to lose track. I want to keep up with studies and stop getting so tired easily!

What can I do :frown: ?
Reply 1
get off the computer and go study
Reply 2
get off the computer and go study

I'm addicted to thestudentroom :p: I can't help myself.

How can i get off this addiction....
Reply 3
You just need to find yourself a real target that gets you excited :biggrin:

yeah thats a good advice, I could try and aim for a target :smile: I'll try waking up early tommorrow... i feel so much fresher and able to do things I want to get done.
Reply 4
im addicted too but i dont have exams for a lonnngg time :P
Reply 5
Think about having a crummy job in a years time if you don't get to university.
just limit your time on tsr, only let urself visit like 2 or 3 different sub forums when you come on post a little then go on, give urself 15 minutes to post then go off elsewhere easy :p:
Reply 7
just limit your time on tsr, only let urself visit like 2 or 3 different sub forums when you come on post a little then go on, give urself 15 minutes to post then go off elsewhere easy :p:

It's hard cos you would want to check what someone else writtened to your post :p:
Reply 8
I think not procrastinating is probably key. Once you start procrastinating, then work seems like this horrible thing hanging over your head - and the more you put it off, the worse it seems.

Also, give yourself breaks and rewards - so you have something short term to spur you on as long as the long-term goal of good grades. Tell yourself you can have x amount of time on the internet, but only if you've *first* finished a piece of work, or worked for a certain number of hours. Or promise yourself a night out if you get everything done.