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Reply 1
get a life
Reply 2
I hate spiders with a passion and am **** scared of them. My first instinct is to squash them with a textbook. However microwaving one???? Just not cricket is it.
Reply 3
your mean. But i can't say i would feel sorry for a spider,
i dislike spiders... i wouldnt personally microwave one but am curious to know what happens. does it get cooked from the inside? did it start steaming and smelling like chicken?
I bet you pull the wings off flies too.
Reply 6

It probably more scared off you, and I would be too!
Reply 8
Boiling water is my method of choice.
Reply 9
I like spiders, they catch and eat all manner of flying bastards whos mission in life is to bate the **** out of me.
thats disgusting :hmmm:
Reply 11
as i was going to bed, i saw a massive spider on the wall.

with a ***in massive legs span.!!

so i caught it in a tumbler glass and put a lid on it,

and put it in the MICROWAVE. starting and stopping as it ran frantically with the microwaves cooking its body.

i stoped after 3 secs, and it calmed down but it too 10 secs to fully murder the ***ER!!!

I can only speculate regarding how severely bullied you were as a child; or how severely you bullied others.

It probably more scared off you, and I would be too!

:ditto: I'm scared of spiders but I wouldn't do that to one..

although my 9 year old brother sprayed one with kitchen cleaner the other week until it died, our mum went mad cos she doesn't believe in killing spiders :redface:
Reply 13
^I have done that

I also also smothered one with hairgel.

I also also smothered one with hairgel.

Shaving foam is a good method.

But the best is a can of hairspray + a lighter to make a spider-killing flame thrower. It never fails! There's no escape for the little buggers, one lick of flame takes their legs right off. It's the safest method of disposing with spiders (ignoring the obvious fire hazard) because with certain other methods (throwing things at them, flicking a wet towel at them, etc.) they can fall to the floor and escape or worse be thrown back in your direction!
as i was going to bed, i saw a massive spider on the wall.

with a ***in massive legs span.!!

so i caught it in a tumbler glass and put a lid on it,

and put it in the MICROWAVE. starting and stopping as it ran frantically with the microwaves cooking its body.

i stoped after 3 secs, and it calmed down but it too 10 secs to fully murder the ***ER!!!

are you retarded?

****ing prick
That's cruel. :frown: I like spiders!
Reply 17
Toy Soldier
Shaving foam is a good method.

But the best is a can of hairspray + a lighter to make a spider-killing flame thrower. It never fails! There's no escape for the little buggers, one lick of flame takes their legs right off. It's the safest method of disposing with spiders (ignoring the obvious fire hazard) because with certain other methods (throwing things at them, flicking a wet towel at them, etc.) they can fall to the floor and escape or worse be thrown back in your direction!

We only have shaving gel here.
Reply 18
Disgusting person.
You need help,think i'm joking?