The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Pointless thread.
Reply 2
Pointless thread.

Pointless reply.
Reply 3
not pointless. in my case.

Depends where your from and where you are. For example in Saudi Arabia.
Men holding hands. thats a sign of mutral respect, Liverpool- gay men.

But in the normal western point of view.


holding hands with your male-felmale friend, and walking down the street, looks very boyfriend, girlfriend like.

how about this? they should like you? lol.

I only hold hands with a boyfriend and my
Reply 5
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.
Reply 6
We get it... you like poetry.. now shut the hell up!

As for holding hands - Boyfriend + Girlfriend.
We get it... you like poetry.. now shut the hell up!


OP: Holding hands is a very sweet gesture when with a partner, its a mutual sign of a affection without being too outlandish and kissing in public etc. etc. if someone who isnt a partner holds your hand it means they are either a very close friend to you and feel comfortable around you, or 'like' you a lot :wink: lol. Good luck with everything xxx
Reply 8
well, i've come across people holding hands and they're just amazingly good friends (boy & girl) with no feelings for each other in that way.
thats very rarely though, so i think there is something there.
don't question it too much, just see where it leads you to.
I've kissed your lips and held your hand.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

thers james's most beautiful lyrics
Reply 10
thers james's most beautiful lyrics

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: thank you, hold my hand?
I hold hands with mi bf and it makes me feel happy and loved hehe, i think it's sweet and shows that u love the person ur with =) xx
Reply 12
My ex wasn't a fan of PDA. I hated him for that.
Reply 13
Eb :suith: holding hands

It rocks
It's overrated.
Reply 15
Holding hands is a very sweet thing. I always hold hands of my girlfriend whenever I talk to her. It feels great ..