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You wanna be thankful, shaving is a real bitch, i'd hold off shaving as long as possible.
Reply 2
Genetics, compadre. Some guys get a full beard when they're 13, other guys have to wait until their 30s before growing any sort of thick facial hair, and even then for some guys they don't get a full crop.
Reply 3
19, can grow naff all.

Reply 4
You wanna be thankful, shaving is a real bitch, i'd hold off shaving as long as possible.

Yeah, I WANNA be thankful, but I can't, seeing as I look about 12, when everyone else looks alot older.
I have to shave everyday which is a complete fag, else I look scruffy.

A friend of mine who is slightly older (about to turn 20) hasn't had to start shaving yet. Don't worry about it!
Reply 6
19, can grow naff all.


I suppose at least I'm not the only one :smile:
Reply 7
You wanna be thankful, shaving is a real bitch, i'd hold off shaving as long as possible.

It's not that bad and you don't have to shave every day. One could always opt for the stubbly look and shave every other day or leave it a few days if they desire.
Reply 8
one day people will envy you for your young looks, my son.
Reply 9
Yeah, I WANNA be thankful, but I can't, seeing as I look about 12, when everyone else looks alot older.

Dude, you have your entire life to look old! Make the most of being younger buddy!
Reply 10
Thanks everyone, I suppose I best make the most of the young-lookingness. The girls think it's what the hell!?
Reply 11
its nothing to be worried about!! And trust me, shaving is, as one person put it,

a real bitch

I would have to shave about twice a day if i wanted a smooth face, so i just let it grow for a few days or until i get nagged by parents!! Be happy with ur youthfull appearance!!!:biggrin:
Reply 12
yeh if i look back on it now id be glad i didnt have to shave everyday, such a pain in the arse. I just leave it to grow for a few days until it starts botherin me now, it annoys me that much.
Reply 13
I wax everything... EVERYTHING...
i dont like hair..
Reply 14
I'm 17 and all I get is a bit of hair on my upper lip. It's not even noticeably looks like a patch of dirt. Pretty sh***y, since I've always wanted to have a full beard.
Reply 15
I'm 17 and all I get is a bit of hair on my upper lip. It's not even noticeably looks like a patch of dirt. Pretty sh***y, since I've always wanted to have a full beard.

Everybody has to have a dream.
Reply 16
Indeed. :rolleyes:
Reply 17
Like the wise men above me have already said, it's a bitch, and don't worry about it. 22 and still can't grow a full beard.
Reply 18
You should be thankful, I'm 20 and can get a little beard in 2 weeks! :rolleyes:
Genetics, compadre. Some guys get a full beard when they're 13, other guys have to wait until their 30s before growing any sort of thick facial hair, and even then for some guys they don't get a full crop.

bout right, im 25 and i can barely get a cats whisker of a moustache and thats about it