The Student Room Group


I recently returned from africa, and although I had malaria pills, I forgot to take them some days, and they were supposed to be taken at the same time every day and I wasn't very good with that, it often varied by about 5 hours or so.
The thing is, now I feel really ill, I've got a fever, headaches, nausea, ache all over, and am really weak. This sounds like flu I think, but it's all the symptoms listed of malaria, and it said on my malaria pills to go to the doctor if you have flu like symptoms within a year of travelling to a malaria infected country.
Just wondering if anyone thinks I'm being a hypochondriac or should actually go to the doc, as my mum had a throat infection recently which gave her a temperature (though this was a while ago now, while I was still away) so isn't taking me very seriously lol.
Reply 1
I think it would be best to visit your GP. It's quite possible that you've got the flu, or another illness which produces the same symptoms (there are quite a few); but I think you're right to be a little concerned about it being Malaria.

Good luck! I hope you feel better soon. :smile:
I think you should go to the doctors, I was in Africa about 3 weeks ago and was on malarone. My doctor advised that if I have any sort of flu like symptoms in 3 months of coming home I should get an appointment straight away. Do it to be on the safe side. Good luck :smile:
Reply 3
MALARIA KILLS, go to the doctor straight away, maybe he can give oyu some antidote mosquitos
Reply 4
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll try and get a docs appointment tomorrow, but my docs are really rubbish about giving you appointments on the same day. :rolleyes:
Just one more thing - how do they tell if you actually do have malaria?
Reply 5
I'd guess a blood/urine sample. But don't know.
Reply 6
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll try and get a docs appointment tomorrow, but my docs are really rubbish about giving you appointments on the same day.
Just one more thing - how do they tell if you actually do have malaria?

Tell them you may have caught rabies at the same time and they'll see you soon enough.
Reply 7
go to the A&E
Reply 8
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll try and get a docs appointment tomorrow, but my docs are really rubbish about giving you appointments on the same day. :rolleyes:
Just one more thing - how do they tell if you actually do have malaria?

I think if you told them that you think it could be Malaria they would try to get you an appointment as soon as possible. To test for it they take a blood sample, I'm pretty certain.
Why not go to the doctor instead of posting on here?Nobody on here can help you if you actually have malaria.Go to the doctor and your mind will be put at rest.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll try and get a docs appointment tomorrow, but my docs are really rubbish about giving you appointments on the same day. :rolleyes:
Just one more thing - how do they tell if you actually do have malaria?

Blood Test. They will see if you have the parasite in your blood.