I recently returned from africa, and although I had malaria pills, I forgot to take them some days, and they were supposed to be taken at the same time every day and I wasn't very good with that, it often varied by about 5 hours or so.
The thing is, now I feel really ill, I've got a fever, headaches, nausea, ache all over, and am really weak. This sounds like flu I think, but it's all the symptoms listed of malaria, and it said on my malaria pills to go to the doctor if you have flu like symptoms within a year of travelling to a malaria infected country.
Just wondering if anyone thinks I'm being a hypochondriac or should actually go to the doc, as my mum had a throat infection recently which gave her a temperature (though this was a while ago now, while I was still away) so isn't taking me very seriously lol.