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Reply 1
he has girls flocking round him 24/7 and is always boasting about how many of them he's shagged this week alone.....
Reply 2
If he's a player he's usually carrying a hockey stick, football, tennis racket or suchlike.

Reply 3
If he's a player he's usually carrying a hockey stick, football, tennis racket or suchlike.



rubbish :p:
Reply 4
If he's a player he's usually carrying a hockey stick, football, tennis racket or suchlike.

Darts is a sport too, y'know :rollseyes:

When a guy tries everything to get a girl into bed and if he succeeds he never wants to see her again after. The more girls they sleep with the better, they probably keep a record and brag about it. Also if he conveniently carries condoms wherever he goes. Avoid players at all costs.
Reply 6
player is such a chavvy word.. or gangsta... 'yo man, you is a playa total. yous be pimpin wid me man, and all me hoes in the ghetto.'

Reply 7
I agree that they never want to see you again as soon as you've slept with him - my mate thinks they'll play until u fall for them then drop you.
A 'player' is just a guy who is far more concerned with sex than a relationship.

There are probably lots of different guises that a 'player' can adopt, which is why you and your friends disagree. Some will be more obvious than others, but most will probably have a cheeky attitude.
how to spot a player:
they know literally everybody in literally every club.
they have tinted windows on either their golf or peugeot 206.
they play semi pro football.
they have blonde highlights and diamante ear rings.
Reply 10
Someone who knows how to attract women consitently and uses those skills.

Someone who plays the dating game.
Reply 11
anyone else hate the word 'player'?
Reply 12
anyone else hate the word 'player'?

Not as much as I hate the word "innit."
if a guy ever self titles himself a 'player' then you know he's a right loser
A 'player' is just the male version of a slut
Reply 15
A 'player' is just the male version of a slut

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! :p:
Often self/salon tanned, has highlights in his hair, surrounded by similar guys and girls and brags about sex a lot.
A guy with condoms in his wallet....
how to spot a player:
they know literally everybody in literally every club.
they have tinted windows on either their golf or peugeot 206.
they play semi pro football.
they have blonde highlights and diamante ear rings.

sounds like a great description of a chav to me
When a guy tries everything to get a girl into bed and if he succeeds he never wants to see her again after. The more girls they sleep with the better, they probably keep a record and brag about it. Also if he conveniently carries condoms wherever he goes. Avoid players at all costs.

Surely that's a good thing, provided the guy is not actively looking for sex.