The Student Room Group

Naked 400 - Holt

Ladies and Gents as you are well aware Lufbras sporting pedigree is second to none. And the pinnacle of this is by far the NAKED 400, this is a complete circuit of the athletics track in little more than a cheeky smile. We ask you to as both lufbra and Holt freshers to show interest in this initation.

Sign up now!!!!

Holt - 'the hall that never sleeps'

Gods Speed


Reply 1
i can vouch 4 this mezmorising occasion and tell u it is the most fullfilling thing you wil do in your 1st yr and only when u complete this may u call urself a Lufbra student. and in true lufbra fashion there are heats and a grand final. get training now!
Reply 2
Haha, ok, that is one thing you can count me out of. :wink:
they told us on an open day that doin this would get u thrown off ur course ? lol

i might be persuaded to do it after large ammounts of alcohol lol
Reply 4
I will prob end up doing it if im drunk but the sports ones usually make you do it anyway so meh
Reply 5
get involved!! they wont throw u off ur corse, they jus say it 2 scare u. hundreds off pll wil b doin it. rememba u cant say ur a student until this event is mastered!
Reply 6
Done it :wink: ... it's a must!

Reply 7
Lovell...Shlee Davs.....

Its me!!!

Your one and only Hall Chair

I can 100% say that the naked 400 is a must as it is a lufbra is the naked bike ride round the holt (thank u chubbs)

Gonna be a quality freshers boys and girls!!!


Reply 8
Is the naked sporting just a holt thing?
Reply 9
nah...naked 400 is a lufbra thing everyone does it!! its funny to c how many ppl r doing it after a wednesday and friday nite out
Did mine on a Monday! lol!! Friends birthday, was bored at Champagne so decided to do that instead!

Sounds good...glad its not just a Holt thing
It's more of a random drunk thing!!! ... For most people anyhoo!

Reply 13
HA ive not done it, but seen it!!!
but is it completely naked? and how long its it this thing? someone said something about a bike? i havent got a bike...:frown:
The bike is a Holt thing...

The naked 400 is for everyone to enjoy!!

It's as long as you want it to be, most do 400m!.. and that's the traditional amount! My mate went round the track 3 times... lol (he was v drunk!)

It is fully naked, but some people still wear underwear and most use hands to cover areas up!! Up to you really!... Just watch out for your 'friends' trying to nick you clothes when you’re running around!!!

Reply 16
So who has done the Naked 400 this year then, lets hear it. :smile: Haven't seen any Holt-ites doing this cycle, tut tut.
There's only been 5 days to do it this year :p:!

I did it last year (June i believe) - so i've done my bit for the tradition :smile: Haven't actually heard too many people doing it this/last year, but that might just be DC being boring!
