The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
gargle lots of tcp?
Get some strepsils and plenty of cold water. Honey and lemon is quite good as well.
Reply 3
Are there any other less vomit inducing/smelly alternatives?
or saltwater (which is a bit nicer) and take some paracetamol. And keep warm. Hope you feel better soon :smile:
I have a sore throat also. I think I have tonsilitis, but Im not registered with a doctor yet and so I have to suffer.
Reply 6
I can't have honey because it makes me sick. As does hot lemon.

Think I'll go buy some merocets and gargle some aspirin. Meh.
Drink really hot orange squash, It burns your thoat numbing and killing germs. Plus its vitamin C
Reply 8
when i get it though tbh i just tend to way overdose on ibuprofen - numbes the pain away and gives you a nice sleepy happy :smile:
Reply 9
I always drink loads of orange juice when I feel myself getting towards being ill. It often seems to do the trick.
Same problem! Arrr - feels horrible! Can't talk :eek:
I overdosed on paracetamol to try and block out the pain, and ended up drinking from 3pm to 2am and still not feeling remotely sleepy. But I fell asleep whilst listening to Chelsea/Liverpool during the day and was starting to descend into illness-induced bedriddeness. I said to myself- no, don't do that because you'll never get up again for a week. Not a good idea in your first few weeks of uni.
Reply 12
lost my voice totally the other day, hot lemon water seemed to help
I overdosed on paracetamol

Shouldn't you be dead then? :confused:

Wow - a dead person typing! :rolleyes:
Reply 14
I think you could take some cold/flu capsules. I've just read the back of my box of capsules and they say that they help sora throats and some times if you take them soon enough they prevent things progressing.
Reply 15
Shouldn't you be dead then? :confused:

Wow - a dead person typing! :rolleyes:

an over-dose technically just means taking above the dosage so that could mean taking 3 pills instead of 2. :wink:
Warm ribena is good.
an over-dose technically just means taking above the dosage so that could mean taking 3 pills instead of 2. :wink:

I meant it in that sense rather than the other..... :biggrin:
but utterly revolting. Dequacaine is great at numbing your throat so try that.
I'm a bit of a hypocondriac tho , cos I think I've got something bad, and then there's you guys with all these throat ailments too...It's good to know I'm not alone.