The Student Room Group
Reply 1
You are supposed to give way to traffic on your right I think, but it's those on the right merging in to your lane, so I dunno...
Reply 2
left lane has priority, although its a bit of a grey area in that situition in that area cause the cars are forced to change lanes
Reply 3
Generally speaking any half decent driver would let people in from the right anyway, wouldn't worry too much.
Reply 4

A half decent driver would see the clearly placed signs warning them of the merge about a kilometer before it happens, and get into the left lane

Unfortunately, on roads like the A303 to Cornwall theres a large number of *expletives* who think bombing down on the right will save them tons of time.....Hence, me, and a couple of other van drivers not letting a single person in and sometimes blocking the right lane.

It's situations like that, where you just have to be a cock, if your in the left lane, well done, stay there and hold your ground
IAM are trying to get zip merging (using lanes that are closed up further ahead) to be put into the highway code, rude or otherwise.
Reply 6
A half decent driver would see the clearly placed signs warning them of the merge about a kilometer before it happens, and get into the left lane

Unfortunately, on roads like the A303 to Cornwall theres a large number of *expletives* who think bombing down on the right will save them tons of time.....Hence, me, and a couple of other van drivers not letting a single person in and sometimes blocking the right lane.

It's situations like that, where you just have to be a cock, if your in the left lane, well done, stay there and hold your ground

Absolutely, like when there are roadworks, the left lane isn't moving so people go as fr as they can in the closed name. Worst bit is people let them in! Ah well.
Reply 7
IAM are trying to get zip merging (using lanes that are closed up further ahead) to be put into the highway code, rude or otherwise.

excellent, works a treat on the continent.
Left has priority. Generally when you get roads that close up like that, you would know from a little distance back, and so consequently its usually the faster, more aggressive drivers that would be in the right lane because theyd know that the lane was about the merge ahead.
Reply 9
Thanks everyone for your replies!
Reply 10
Left has priority, but you should really use up all of the right lane right until the merging point. Afterall we are paying for the roads so we should use them to their full extent rather than all jump into the left lane ASAP and cause tailbacks.
Reply 11
Left has priority, but you should really use up all of the right lane right until the merging point. Afterall we are paying for the roads so we should use them to their full extent rather than all jump into the left lane ASAP and cause tailbacks.

That's incredibly discourteous though. It's also dangerous as it usually involves high speed and short stopping distances.
Reply 12
A half decent driver would see the clearly placed signs warning them of the merge about a kilometer before it happens, and get into the left lane

Unfortunately, on roads like the A303 to Cornwall theres a large number of *expletives* who think bombing down on the right will save them tons of time.....Hence, me, and a couple of other van drivers not letting a single person in and sometimes blocking the right lane.

It's situations like that, where you just have to be a cock, if your in the left lane, well done, stay there and hold your ground

Ah yes the A303...marvellous road :rolleyes:

I do that as well, make my car as wide as a tank to people who come rareing up the outside, then don't let them in, you can see the drivers steaming!!

Also...on a motorway, if you have some motorbike coming up your inside and your in the outside lane, indicate to go into the middle lane just as they come up to your blind spot, watch the front of the bike come crashing down. Great fun! Then stop indicating and accelerate. Bloody nutters, i don't mind bikers, i love bikes...what i don't like is stupid bike riders.

Reply 13
Left lane, beware of morons misjudging their speed and running out of space to merge.
Reply 14
no, siggns usually say, use both lanes untill they merge to prevent tailbacks onto roundabouts etcc...

i dont no who has priority, but people let you in anyway.
Reply 15
Mad Vlad
That's incredibly discourteous though. It's also dangerous as it usually involves high speed and short stopping distances.

How is it discourteous? Those that are in the left lane plenty early do so through their own free will. Where does the high speed and short stopping distances come from? You could quite easily slow down plenty early and coast to the merging point.
Reply 16
i dont no who has priority, but people let you in anyway.

It would depend on which lane is closed really, the one thats closed doesn't have priority, just treat it like a road that has cars parked in that lane.
Reply 17
its up to the right whether they want to slow down or speed up to overtake, left stays on their course
Reply 18
It usually works out cars go forward alternately from each lane, i.e. you let a car go, then stick your front in behind it
Reply 19
the ones who said they should move in advance so theyre not at the front waiting to merge in, i believe the road should be used to the maximum to avoid traffic backing up, it should the be alternate cars to merge into one, but if the road is there, it should be used to the maximum for traffic reasons