I've got anorexia mate and had to admit to that when doing A levels in case the OCD linked with the ED - or just my poor health at the time, due to stress - in any way affected my exam performances/results. As a result, I got sent the Disability Benefits package thingy. But I'm not going for it - I've been on Disability Living Allowance for a while now, and feel like a major screw as it is coz OCD stops me working more than 2 hours/day (as a cleaner) coz I can't stand interruptions to my routines - I work alone as a cleaner, no one can bother me coz they've gone home, I'm totally useless at interacting with customers too. Hope that one day I WON'T be so obsessive about routines and will be able to work in a more flexible environment, say, as a waitress again. I did for a while, but was lousy, even tho it was good fun and I got tons of tips - I got fired coz was just too obsessive about cleaning, got upset when customers were rude (I was really quite rude back, no inhibitions whatsoever sometimes, the amount of apologies I make in one day is astounding) etc. But nah, unless you're in serious financial crisis coz of your ED, don't bother with benefits