The Student Room Group

Guys i need help!!!

...So there is this guy i have seen about a lot... we always make eye contact but i can never work up the courage to go and speak to him! i found out through friends his name (Roy) but thats about all i know about him oh and hes rly hot- i know that sounds totally shallow but i would like to get to know him!! It seems hes quite popular with the ladies... what can i do to make him notice me? :confused: thanx x
Well obviously the only way you are going to get to know him is by actually talking to him, but don't rush, don't just go out with him now because you think he's hot, get to know more about him first.
Reply 2
Smile at him. Or summon up some courage to go and talk. Just saying hi would be a good start imo.
Reply 3
Talk to him - you should be able to talk if there is a chance you may go out with him! Be careful though, if he is popular with the ladies as he may get snapped up or could be a player.
Reply 4
Im not just going for him because hes hot, a lot of people have said hes a really nice guy.... i just want to talk to him! I have smiled at him and stuff but i was hoping he would take the hint and maybe come over and talk to me as im quite shy! maybe ill just have to pluck up the courage and go over...
Reply 5
Well it seems its your LUCKY DAY!!!

Roy it appears uses TSR aswell !!!

Im pm'ing him the link to this thread, if thats ok with you?

I would watch out tho, he is quite the player :p:
Sometimes you have to take the lead, what you got to lose, TALK TALK TALK, to him.
Im guessing you started this texas
Reply 8
no i started it... just needed some advice... are u roy green?:redface: x
Find (or make) a situation where you HAVE to talk to him...homework, mutual friends, a tv programme anything. Just be really friendly and smile a lot!

Good luck:smile:
Reply 10
just say "hi" the next time u see him
Oh honestly.