The Student Room Group
dont go to sleep n just stay out allll night :p:
Reply 2
What about using the alarm on your phone? That would be nearly as loud as your alarm clock and should work fine. Also go to bed early, if you go to bed at 12am there's no way you'll wake up in time. Plus I always found telling myself before I went to bed that I had to wake up at a certain time really helped; if I thought that I needed to wake up at 7am over and over in my mind I always woke up around 6.50am. Though that may just be me but its worth a try alongside a phone alarm clock.
Reply 3
i used alarm clocks at weird times of day, as did everyone else in the hostels. just keep it right next to your head so you can grab it quick as possible!
Reply 4
i used alarm clocks at weird times of day, as did everyone else in the hostels. just keep it right next to your head so you can grab it quick as possible!

Yeah, cheers - that's what the guy at the hostel told me as well. Seems to be the norm - I must remember my earplugs for the nights i want to get some serious sleep.
Reply 5
Apparently you can get special watches that vibrate instead of sound an alarm. But I always used a digital watch with an alarm, as in some hostels you don't get anywhere to put an actual clock, and I was always worried about rolling over and switching it off my mistake!

People are always coming and going at strange times in hostels though - just turn your alarm off asap and try and be quiet!
Reply 6
I stayed in a hostel for three weeks this summer, it was ok but I found it really difficult to fall asleep with other people in the room. Thats why I stayed in the tv room most of the night, one night I got particularly lucky and snogged a really gorgeous guy when everyone else had gone to bed.
So the moral of the story is, stay up all night and get lucky!