The Student Room Group
Reply 1
From what I've heard, yep.

If it's still painful/going on in a couple of days' time/there's a lot of blood, it might be a good idea to go and see a doctor about it. But I'd say you were okay for the moment :smile:
Reply 2
Some people bleed, some people don't. If it's only spotting then you should be fine, if in doubt, always see a doctor. It's what our taxes are paying for anyway.
I must say I didn't bleed at all. However, I think thats quite unusual. I would say that if its only a tiny bit of spotting and it stops soon then don't worry, if its a lot, then it might be worth visiting the doctors, or somewhere similar.
Reply 4
Yeah i'm so glad i didn't bleed.
Yeah its normal, luckily I didn't bleed. Someone I know bled for a week :eek: but apparently her boyfriend was rough too, forced himself on her when she wasn't ready.
Reply 6
I actually tore a that normal?
Reply 7
Right ok - thanks everyone. I was very drunk so it didn't hurt too much but if I hadn''t been it would have been bad I think.
Reply 8
Yeah, it's quite painful unless you go slowly.
Reply 9
I didn't bleed either
Reply 10
I didn't bleed either

Hope you are a wannabe comedian *cough*you are not getting that far*cough*
Have you ever heard the Phrase "popping the cherry." Well thats why, its perfectly common/ normal.
Yeah its normal, luckily I didn't bleed. Someone I know bled for a week :eek: but apparently her boyfriend was rough too, forced himself on her when she wasn't ready.

shes got a great catch by the sounds of things, a rapist
where do u draw the line for rape tho...

wot if he takes it too far and u say no but he still goes that far..

wot if u r ok for a bit of fun but then he takes it too far...

do u blame the girl for the bit of fun and leading him on or is it within ryts to say no?
Reply 14
No means no. End of story.
wot if the girl feels like she is in some way responsible tho
I see you mean because I have a friend who was in a similar situation a while ago however feelings like the one's above are normal
Reply 17
As long as the girl is clear that she doesnt want sex or wants the guy to stop(ie sound like you mean it, not like you're playing), then he should stop. God knows what the legal standpoint is, but anything past that point i'd consider rape.
But we are our own worse enemies. The girl can be certain that she said no and said it repetatively but can still have feelings that she is responsible because she let the accused into her life, into her space and her room.

She is left with the feeling that she must have lead him on or somehow that she deserves what happened. She is left confused and in a daze.

How does she move forward?
Reply 19
With expert help and counselling, hopefully. It's playing into the rapists hands to torture yourself thinking it was your fault, no girl asks to be raped.