The Student Room Group

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Reply 340
Original post by Cariie
Now there's a keen fresher :biggrin: Didn't even think our Freshers' rep had got round to making one yet!

Its not our freshers rep, though he has joined now. It was just me being a bit lonely :')
Reply 341
Its not our freshers rep, though he has joined now. It was just me being a bit lonely :')

Well saved him a job haha He'll have a list of potential Hughsies next term so he'll be able to track everyone down for you :smile:
Reply 342
Original post by Cariie
Well saved him a job haha He'll have a list of potential Hughsies next term so he'll be able to track everyone down for you :smile:

It has like 50 members already so I cant wait to meet more people :smile: have you got an offer?
Reply 343
It has like 50 members already so I cant wait to meet more people :smile: have you got an offer?

I'm a first year :tongue: I was one of the admissions helpers :smile:
Reply 344
Original post by Cariie
I'm a first year :tongue: I was one of the admissions helpers :smile:

Brilliant! You guys were all absolutely lovely, thanks very much for giving up your time to help us :smile:
Reply 345
Brilliant! You guys were all absolutely lovely, thanks very much for giving up your time to help us :smile:

Oh don't worry we were being paid and fed to be there :wink: Look forward to seeing you all in October, grades granting! :smile:
Reply 346

Well up4 st Hugh's.
General stuff about at Hugh's if anyone knows. How much of an issue is the distancE from the centre? I've been to the open day and the current students say its conducive toward a more family atmosphere in college, but I dunno if that just means ppl are just psychos who only like other Hugh's ppl. And ye Im v gregarious and border being haughtily disdainful (apaz) so ye does the distance stop it being hectic socially etc.
EP offer holder btw, if you are too make yourself known? Because it seems we are a rare breed and I bet there's a few who trawl through tsr like I did lol.
Distance from the centre is no issue at all, aside from when it's raining and you have to get to a library and the last thing you want to do is walk for 20 minutes. If you have a bike, you'll be fine, though, and frankly I think I'd also be loath even to walk for 5 minutes in the rain so I'm not sure it makes all that much difference.

Plenty of people have friends in other colleges, and as things go I haven't found it a hindrance socially. Don't worry about it—and congrats on the offer.
Reply 348
Fantastic, thanks very much!

Could anyone provide some information about the accommodation offered by St. Hugh's, please? I know that there are some points on the official site [like the room types or stuff], but I would like to know more exactly how expensive it is; and any additional tips "from the inside" are always welcome. :]

And are water boilers/heaters such as this one allowed in the room?

Thanks in advance!
Reply 350
Original post by eight.asleep

Could anyone provide some information about the accommodation offered by St. Hugh's, please? I know that there are some points on the official site [like the room types or stuff], but I would like to know more exactly how expensive it is; and any additional tips "from the inside" are always welcome. :]

And are water boilers/heaters such as this one allowed in the room?

Thanks in advance!

Hey there :smile:

All accommodation at Hugh's is the same price, which is £1,170 per term. In first year you'll be randomly assigned a room, with most first years in the 'Main building' which is a corridor lay out over two floors with big kitchens and shared bathrooms and toilets. It's pretty much the party area for first year, it's definitely the most social accommodation!

Other first years end up in the Mary Grey Allen building, which is a little older, but means you get a bigger room, sometimes with a fire place and nice old features like that. Again it's shared bathrooms and toilets, set out over two corridors, with communal kitchens (although I don't know what those are like. . .)
MGA is quieter than Main, but is attached to it so it's not a problem :smile:

If you're super lucky (like me) you'll end up in the Wolfson building, which is a slightly dated building I'll admit, but you get a bigger room and potentially a balcony. Wolfson is set out as staircases, with arguably the best shared showers, but the worst kitchen (2 hobs, a microwave and what might as well be an easy bake oven. Also don't try and fit more than one person in there at once) But you get a sink in your room which you don't get in the other two buildings. Our socialising means sitting on a staircase as we don't get a communal area, but it's attached to the rest of college so easy to go somewhere more exciting (and nice to escape to when it's a bit rowdy)

The last refuge of first years is the Kenyon building, which resembles a concrete fortress and is honestly an eye sore, but you get the best first year kitchens, a sink and possibly a larger room, depending where you are within the fortress. It's a little less social in there, (except when theirs Sunday Dining Society going on in the biggest kitchen) but it only takes 2 minutes to pop over to Main :smile:

There are two other accommodation buildings with en suites and much nicer kitchens, but only a handful of freshers end up in there, you ballot for those kinds of rooms in 2nd and 3rd year (so you get a nicer room the longer you stay, and means you never have the hassle of finding a cheap house to live in around Oxford!)

Also, on the heater note, I've never seen one like that before, but I don't think you'd be allowed it, college is really strict about what heating things you can have in certain rooms :/ But then again as long as you didn't leave it out when your room was being cleaned I'm sure no one will notice or mind!

Hope this essay helps!
Reply 351
Any freshers who stumble across this thread here's a link to your Freshers' week schedule provided by twitter
Hey, just asking in the hope that someone knows...

Are we allowed Kettles and Mini Fridges in our rooms (Whats the deal on having them there- do they need to check or something??)??

As well, is there anything we definitely CANNOT have in the rooms??
Original post by Packlord007
Hey, just asking in the hope that someone knows... Are we allowed Kettles and Mini Fridges in our rooms (Whats the deal on having them there- do they need to check or something??)?? As well, is there anything we definitely CANNOT have in the rooms?? Ta
Hello there! You might find what you need in the Freshers Guide and the Student Handbook. From what I remember, it seems that we're not allowed cooking appliances (rice boilers and such), but you should read the whole list carefully yourself. However, kettles and mini-fridges are on the "you should bring with you" list from the Guide. If you're still unsure regarding certain items or categories, you should ask your college parents. Their answers will surely clear things up, they're not novices anymore. Also, if you're not going to uni this year and just asking, I think that versions of the Guide and the Handbook might be available somewhere on the University site. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your holiday, good luck this school-year. 'hope that you found my answer useful. :]
(edited 12 years ago)
Original post by Cariie
Any freshers who stumble across this thread here's a link to your Freshers' week schedule provided by twitter

Thank you very much! :]
Reply 355
2013 St Hugh's interviewees unite!

Anyone else going to be around St Hugh's between the 9th and 12th?

So excited already! PPE applicant here! :smile:
Original post by Connex106
2013 St Hugh's interviewees unite!

Anyone else going to be around St Hugh's between the 9th and 12th?

So excited already! PPE applicant here! :smile:

I'm at St Hugh's from the 12th to the 15th kind of nervous because I didn't realise it was further away from the city centre but I suppose I'll see what it's like next week!

The gardens look absolutely beautiful! Really excited/nervous!

I'm an experimental psychology applicant :smile:
Original post by Connex106
2013 St Hugh's interviewees unite!

Anyone else going to be around St Hugh's between the 9th and 12th?

So excited already! PPE applicant here! :smile:

I'm there on the 10th for my medicine interview! Soo excited!

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 358
Original post by Connex106
2013 St Hugh's interviewees unite!

Anyone else going to be around St Hugh's between the 9th and 12th?

So excited already! PPE applicant here! :smile:

YEAH - what time are you arriving on Sunday? ill be there at around 3:30
Any offer holders?