I have insured my musical instrument with Endseligh insurance and need to claim as it is very poorly Anyone any idea which form I am supposed to download from the site? cheers guys x
It is much better and safer if you buy specialised musical instrument insurance from a recognised, special instrument company. I've had friends who've had multiple problems claiming with Endsleigh, and they're just playing the usual orchestral instruments (try claiming for a harp - they don't have a clue!).
They may well be good for you if you've got a relatively inexpensive (under £1000) instrument, but be careful if you're playing a gorgeous antique violin or gold plated flute...
One harpist friend was insured with Endsleigh, who didn't understand that her instrument was too big to fit into a standard school locker. Another friend had her harp knocked over by an energetic child, causing £11,000 of damage, and Endsleigh refused to pay up saying that the harp should've been kept safe on an instrument stand. Now, you buy stands for instruments like flutes and clarinets (like this http://www.fluteworld.com/index.php?action=pk&wart=flst), NOT for a 6'5" concert pedal harp. They didn't understand that the harp itself is upright and doesn't need to be propped up. It took 7 letters, 12 phonecalls and a letter from the manufacturer to get any form of reimbursement...
I am with Allianz Cornhill Musical Instruments and they've been great - they're very experienced in harps so they understand that you can't keep your instrument in a school locker when you're not playing it
If you're insuring a usual orchestral instrument then you shouldn't need to pay more than £30 per year - if your 'baby' costs more than £5000 then you'll need to talk to one of their specialist advisors. If you apply online then you get a month of cover free http://www.allianzcornhillmusicalinsurance.co.uk/default.asp?Referrer=moru
Should I insure my Gibson Les Paul that I bought for £1,200 in 1999... I don't think i'd be able to afford it! I did find this article on last minute musicians company though. http://www.lastminutemusicians.com/blog/?p=367