The Student Room Group


what are the signs and symptons of anemia because when i was at work i felt really tired and light headed and my friend said 2 me that i could be anemic, i also get this really weird crawling feeling in my ankles, are these signs of anemia, if they are what should i do?
Tired andlight headed go with anemia also looking very pale, if worried go to the docs. However these things all can be linked with lack of food or eating rubbish.
yes tiredness and light headedness are symptoms so are paleness, and even more moodyness around your period. apparently its not genetic but most women in my family have it and im starting to get symptoms too. i cant even see my gp because no one will let me register :frown:

if your worried then go to your gp and in the mean time eat plenty of vitamin c and red meat/spinich etc
Reply 4
Get some iron in you love.

edit: should add some questions?

Did you drink alcohol the night before? Couldve dropped you Blood Sugar level in the morning.
Did you skip a meal? Even breakfast could affect it.
DId you take an overdose of aspirin?
Reply 5
There probably is some good reason why you should see your doctor but if you dont want to then make sure you're getting enough iron. Eat red meat or if you're like me and the mere thought of red meat makes you retch then take multivitamins.
actually you can buy iron tablets without prescription but it must be stressed that they are almost useless without vitamin c so down them with some orange juice or something.
Reply 7
what are the signs and symptons of anemia because when i was at work i felt really tired and light headed and my friend said 2 me that i could be anemic, i also get this really weird crawling feeling in my ankles, are these signs of anemia, if they are what should i do?

My diagnosis.
yep but dont just go buying iron tablets if you're not sure its that, just go to the docs and have a blood test
Reply 9
Apparently another sign is if the red bits of your eyes are very pale and almost yellowy. You know if you pull the bottom lid down, the bit below the eyeball. I don't know how true it is but it seems to correlate with my anemia popping it's head up. And anyway, if you are anaemic don't worry about it, it can be controlled by just eating properly or, if you're not into greens and red meat, iron tablets.
Reply 10

Or maybe even this diagnosis
Reply 11
thanks for the people who have helped me! i will see how things go with just eating proply, and by he way to those who think im a hypochodriac, im not!!!!!!!!!
Apparently another sign is if the red bits of your eyes are very pale and almost yellowy. You know if you pull the bottom lid down, the bit below the eyeball. I don't know how true it is but it seems to correlate with my anemia popping it's head up...

It's part of the cardiovascular examination we're taught at med school as a sign of anaemia, so hopefully it's slightly true! :smile:

The thing to remember I guess is anaemia is a symptom of something else which could be dietary - so maybe you could look at your iron intake first (cereals, red meats) then go to your GP if you're still concerned, there are various other causes too & a blood test should help to start narrowing things down!
Reply 13
Hi mate.

Just go to the doctors and get a blood test; this will tell us whether you have Anemia or not.

I thought people who have anemia have bodies that use Iron faster then someone who doesn't have it. So they need to get more then the average Joe.

Reply 14
If you have got anaemia they will prob just give you iron tabs. Just be careful, if you pay for prescriptions the majority of iron tabs are cheaper to buy. Also just to warn you the iron tabs that you buy off a shelf have very little iron in. If you really need them ask at a pharmacy.
Reply 15
My gf has this. You'll probably bruise easy and look quite pale. Go to the docs where they may give you a bloodtest, either way they'll just prescribe you Iron tables (probably ferous sulphate) which on prescription will cost £6.50 but you can get the same thing, same dossage etc for about half the price over the counter if you look carefully!
Reply 16
Ferrous sulphate's the way to go
Iron deficiency is not the only cause of anaemia.

Iron tablets won't automatically be what you're given so wouldn't recommend you start potentially wasting your own money on supplements etc. without an actual diagnosis of the type of anaemia (if any!) you have or looking at your diet first.