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Reply 1
Get him to go slow, not ploughing away like a pornstar. A lot of foreplay, drink or two of wine wont hurt either.
it doesnt hurt for everyone, forget the horror stories. im sure youve allready heard the use condoms speach and the go slowly+use lube thing loads of times so tbh just go have fun :biggrin:

oh and this is just personal preferance but try going on top, that way your in control and if it is uncomfortable then you can stop/slow down.
Get him to go slow, not ploughing away like a pornstar. A lot of foreplay, drink or two of wine wont hurt either.

ditto on the wine thing, just remember not to have too much lol
Reply 4
my bf does not want me to have alcohol as he said if i regret it i might accuse him of rape (his bad past experience).
Reply 5
my bf does not want me to have alcohol as he said if i regret it i might accuse him of rape (his bad past experience).

oh dear lord.

sounds like a lovely foundation for a romantic first time. :suith: :suith:
Reply 6
my bf does not want me to have alcohol as he said if i regret it i might accuse him of rape (his bad past experience).

WTF?? If he doesn't trust you enough to not accuse him of rape after a drink or two, are you sure you really want to do this??? :eek:
Reply 7
WTF?? If he doesn't trust you enough to not accuse him of rape after a drink or two, are you sure you really want to do this??? :eek:

:ditto: :eek:
Reply 8
He's been accused of rape??!!
Reply 9
we've been going out for a year and a half so its not like i have exactly just met him and he has never forced himself on me, ha has been very patient and kind. the rape was an ACCUSATION as the girl admitted to police she lied.
Reply 10
So after a year and a half he doesnt trust you enough to think that you wont cry rape?
Reply 11
So after a year and a half he doesnt trust you enough to think that you wont cry rape?

this was said at the beginning of the relationship, i dont know what he would say now.
Reply 12
Er, ask him? Im sure he'd understand. You need to be able to communicate with someone you're gonna have sex for the first time with.
Reply 13
Wow I opened up a can of worms here, unless you dont drink anything ever when youre together you may as well. Alcohol will dull any pain
Reply 14
Wow I opened up a can of worms here, unless you dont drink anything ever when youre together you may as well. Alcohol will dull any pain

also increased girls sex drives (but decreases boys)
Reply 15
also increased girls sex drives (but decreases boys)

Thats not true, getting drunk makes me even more horny. Coupled with beer goggles it tends to explain most guys' regretted one night stands. Only thing it does is make you last all night, which is both good and bad i guess...
I don't think drink does increase sex drive it just takes the guilt away.
to quote shakespeare "it provokes the desire, but it takes
away the performance" hehe maybe its good to be a woman, it just makes me plain horny.
General Mullet
I don't think drink does increase sex drive it just takes the guilt away.

are you catholic? :p:
Reply 19
high priestess fnord
are you catholic? :p:

my gf is.
my housemate is.

it has led me to the belief there is no such thing as a real catholic!