sorry if ive missed anything but are u a girl or boy?
nonthe less, the times are hard. so its been 9 months? maybe u can tell us how long u 2 been going out for, ur age, his/her age etc.
but anywayz, time is the greatest healer, u sed u deleted text, photos, cards etc, yet u say u dnt wana think about her/him anymore. but is it not that when u put away photos n cards u show that ur weak for him/her and u need to wipe them off ur memory completely to get over them?
obviously ur going thru a hard time, and will be for a few months. but ask urself a few question next time u think about him/her. is she/he really gona come back? will they be there everytime ur down or happy? will they be there when u need them the most, u want to think they will be there, but they wont. it sounds harsh, but theyr not part of ur life anymore. u say ur going univerisity or college soon? it will be a busy time, take advantage of that, use ur time wisely, i.e study hard, play hard, go out wit mates, have a drink, get stupidly drunk and have fun! least u know it, u wud stop thinking about them.
basically the more u relate everything u see around u to them the harder it is. i assume that u dnt see them anymore? or regularly? then thats even better cos the image of them in ur head is slowly disappearing. i broke up wit my ex, and she goes to the same school as me, we more or les go to the same place. its been nearly a year, still when i sometimes i see her, my heart skips a beat, but most of the time i just see her as any other person i see.
basically most importantly, give it time, give time for uself to heal up the wound. everytime u think about them, count to 10, breath deeply and do something else. do that everytime u think about them, before u no it u wud fink less and less about her/him.
love is not something can be easily taken away, specially if uve loved the person for a long time, but its not to say that its impossible to get over them. ive sed enough, its just up 2 urself to make the effort, and not fink about them. u'll realise after all of this, u'r a stronger person mentally.
good luck!