The Student Room Group

I've made a fool of myself online

I like this girl in my sixth form and I have a feeling she might be interested in me too, but then again I'm not that clever and she passed her GCSEs with 4 A*s and 8 As. :eek: Anywhoo, I've only spoken to her twice and both times it went well, and then I went on an online friends/dating site and clicked on who had viewed my profile and I saw she had, so I did the following;

1. Sent her a message with my instant messaging address in it.
2. Had a feeling the sh*t site hadn't sent it.
3. Sent a message saying that I thought the first message hadn't sent, so can I have her add.
4. Realised message #1 hadn't sent.
5. Sent another message explaining that message #1 hadn't sent, and I gave my address, but obviously it didn't send, so that's why I'm asking for hers.

Crikey. I've never been embarassed over the net as much (except for the time I was caught viewing something, but that's a whole other story) and I'm clueless as to what to say to her tomorrow. I hope she doesn't think I'm some oddball stalker. Plus she's read both messages but hasn't replied (I checked the read receipt).

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'hey sorry bout all those messages, the site was being really weird and not working! you alright' ETC...

not rocket science :rolleyes:
Reply 2
You can easily make a joke out of the situation to her tomorrow. Can help with breaking the ice as well.
Reply 3
^ Brilliant, great idea.
Reply 4
Are you still afraid?

Just close your eyes and dream, feel it fade awayyyyyyyyyy.

Time won't flow, everyone knows, when the paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin fades away.

Dreams won't die, tears in her eyes. You got to hold your head up hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
better to make a fool of yourself online, that to make a fool of yourself in public!
Reply 6
Oh no youre gonna have to talk to her! Seriously its better to do this to start with then go through the internet and ask her.
Reply 7
Have you considered suicide?
And she probably uses this site as well and now has foun all this out.

how embarrasing!
Reply 9
Have you considered suicide?

For something as major as this I think suicide is a little too easy
Reply 10
shock horror...
Reply 11
Run away to sea.
Reply 12
That's the one. My life is over, I have no other choice :frown:
Reply 13
Avoid her for the next several years.
Go to her with a big smile and ask her:
"HEY! I think I saw YOU on the internet! etc. Was it really you?"
If she answers "yes", lead the conversation (oh, the net is so big, and yet so small, yadda yadda, etc.)
If she answers "no", tell her somebody is using her photos and identity to make friends on internet...

etc. etc.
Send hew a few more messages about how you fancy her and ask if she has any sexier pics for you to masturbate over because you tried with the current ones but they didn't turn you on quite enough. Fool proof.
Reply 16
Send hew a few more messages about how you fancy her and ask if she has any sexier pics for you to masturbate over because you tried with the current ones but they didn't turn you on quite enough. Fool proof.

'hey sorry bout all those messages, the site was being really weird and not working! you alright' ETC...

:ditto: please do say it tomorrow, she'll think you're sweet and guess that you like her. I'd find this really cute (unless I hated the guy which she obviosly doesn't). Oh, and the A/A* ratio? Give us girls a little more credit :rolleyes:
Reply 18
I didn't see her today but was desperately looking out for her during all my free periods. Oh dear, this isn't going too well.
Reply 19
It'll be fine, at best shes ignoring you and at worst shes in the library photocopying your online dating profile so she can put it on every spare bit of wall in your school. Either way, theres not a lot you can do now. :smile: