The Student Room Group

First date

Ok, so in the past the guys i've gone out with have all started at really relaxed environments (house party type places), but now i'm all grown up and getting dates in the normal way and i'm wondering how best to approach it. I'm going out for a drink with this guy i met last month, and whilst i'm normally really confident, i'm now kinda nervous and freaked. Also having weird emotional issues. And, being 19 and a virgin, i'm wondering about how long you're supposed to wait? how long guys expect type stuff? and we live in completely separate places, and i'm about to start university, so we're not going to be seeing each other all the time. i'm just wondering generally what to do, what to talk about (in case we realise we have little in common)

am i just thinking all this stuff too quickly? does it really even matter? any advice, stories about first dates would be much appreciated
Reply 1
im in the same situation i guess, 19 and not had a proper "first date", i always meet girls in more relaxed situations as you say.

cant really give advice, except you should wait until it feels right to have sex with a guy, especially if you're a virgin.

talk about what you are interested in, what you did over summer, where you are going to uni etc. if he is a good date he will be asking you a lot of questions anyway.
Dont worry he is likely to just as nervous, talk about your interest but ask about his, that way you are not talking to much.
lol all grown up at 19, I doubt it :p: (no offence!)
Getting dates in the normal way...what's that then? I'm in the same boat as you here and guys have no right to 'expect' anything of you with regard to sex and virginity - it's yours. The opposite is true for girls expecting from guys IMHO. If I expected it from a girl after x amount of time, I'd be waiting with baited breath for her to say on yer bike!
The first date doesn't mean relationship. Just go for the drink and be casual :smile:
Reply 4
Well put. First dates are lame anyways. Too much akwardness, now knowing what lines you can and can't cross. Fight through it, and hope for number two. Then the fun starts.
Reply 5
Jesus, not another thread saying "Is it normal to be a virgin at X age?"...
Relax on your first date he'll probably be just as nervous, you dont have to start your conversations with "oh I'm a virgin " either, just have fun