The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
1. Cinema
2. Park
3. Bed
I'd say it depends on how well you know the person. E.g. If I was going on a date with someone I already knew as a friend, I'd know what kinda things they'd like and dislike.

I'm not really bothered about going to fancy places on a date, just somewhere that we can both have fun. Cinemas = no no, can't talk properly. Restaurants = no no most of the time, too self conscious about the way I eat.

Fun places are good.
Reply 3
I like cinema for the first date because I'm a huge coward.
Walk round town/park; cheap and easy.
coffee is nice
Reply 6
1. Cinema
2. Food of some sort
3. Shopping/walking round town
paintballing just cos i can
Reply 8
i dont go on dates cos i think they are really artificial.
Reply 9
Cinema is good if you don't know them that well because you don't have to talk and afterwards you can talk about the film.
Something a bit different is good flatmate was telling me where he'd take a lass on a involved gay bars and stuff :smile:

Something like a fair is good if there's one in town. Or the circus? Just make sure she doesn't have a fear of clowns. Erm....just something to remember you by.
Reply 10
For a drink in the evening at a reasonably quiet bar.
Reply 11
The cinema is for moribund imbeciles, who are incapable of conversation and will do everything in their power to distract from an apprehension of that fact.

Choose a venue which complements discourse without being inducive to claustrophobia.
You don't have to be an imbecile to be nervous about talking to someone you like, its a common fear. I am certainly not an imbecile and have said fear and as such see the cinema as a handy solution to the problem. You, sir, are a dating snob.
Reply 13
In my opinion, cinema is a BAD idea for the reason being you cant chat, shopping + talking is good i suppose. Bowling, what do you think of that?
Reply 14
But you can have sex in a cinema, whereas if you have sex in a starbucks then you may get arrested.
Reply 15
But you can have sex in a cinema, whereas if you have sex in a starbucks then you may get arrested.

dont you think you';d get arrested if u had sex at the cinema as well?
Reply 16
Chances of being seen in Starbacks > Cinema!
Reply 17
Chances of being seen in Starbacks > Cinema!

ppl would still realise!

y was this thread anon btw?

over use of anon rly bugs me!!!!
Reply 18
Probably because OPs girlfriend comes on here and will think he is a right loser if he is asking internet friends for date advice.
Reply 19
Probably because OPs girlfriend comes on here and will think he is a right loser if he is asking internet friends for date advice.

good point.