The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Why don't you look up bus or train timetables?
Reply 2
I did. I want to hear from people who've actually done it.
Hi Johhny
If you're travelling at peak times, that journey is a nightmare. Very slow along the coast road between Brighton and Newhaven.
Trains aren't too bad, but you're nowhere near a station at the Marina.
Oh and you asked for times - it's at least an hour's journey on the bus and can be much longer if there's heavy traffic or an accident.
Reply 5
I find that the train from Eastbourne to Brighton is the quickest way and way easier... normally takes about 40 mins but then you have to catch a bus from outside the train station to the Marina which may take about 20 mins [not too sure].

I've only taken the bus from Eastbourne to Brighton once, not to the Marina but I'm assuming that it doesn't go directly to the Marina but probably Churchill Square. But there are so many buses that go to the Marina from Churchill so that shouldn't be a problem. The timing would probably take longer than train if going through backroads [coast line].

As for a daily commute I'm not too sure when it comes to public transport but it's doable if you're able to drive there. Would save you alot of hassle and time as it would only take around about 40 mins.

It's a horrible journey by road and you are miles away from the station at the Marina...I wouldn't do it....also the Marina sucks anyway....Brighton's great because it isnt all a spoiled high street....the Marina is McDonaldsville...same as every other waterfront development on the south coast...
Reply 7
Oh and you asked for times - it's at least an hour's journey on the bus and can be much longer if there's heavy traffic or an accident.
yes, and I really dont like those winding roads :mad: