The Student Room Group

Staying in :(

I only get on with one of my flatemates really and if she's going out then I go to and we have a brill night etc etc. I don't get on with a couple of the others. Thing is, I've found that the couple of nights I have stayed in this week, I've got really depressed and I've really been missing my friends and especially my boyfriend and it results in me crying myself to sleep. I mentally don't think I can have another night of that, and as my friend is feeling ill she wont be going out. But I've just realised how alone I'm feeling as even though I'm gradually making friends witha couple of people on my course, that's it.

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I really know how you feel. Since I've arrived I've made the effort to go out every night but even though the girl in the room next door to me has invited me out with her mates tonight I can't go because the tickets have sold out. I really hate having to stay in while everyone else is out, it makes me so depressed and I start to miss home. :frown:
Reply 2
Have you not made any other friends? Not even when you've been out?
Reply 3
just go out.
Reply 4
i have no sypathy sorry.

Neither of my 2 flat mates speak english. Any english. I thought it would be horrible but i made friends with people down the corridor and go out with them. I also met some other people whilst i was out with these people ive just mentioned and go out with them aswell.

one night i had nothing to do i just walked about for a bit and some people invited me for a drink.

Serious its about the effort you put in, if your a girl i just cant see what the problem would be girls get so much attn
Reply 5
i have no sypathy sorry.

Neither of my 2 flat mates speak english. Any english. I thought it would be horrible but i made friends with people down the corridor and go out with them. I also met some other people whilst i was out with these people ive just mentioned and go out with them aswell.

one night i had nothing to do i just walked about for a bit and some people invited me for a drink.

Serious its about the effort you put in, if your a girl i just cant see what the problem would be girls get so much attn

What bull. You think we all look like pornstars or something? ;spank;
I know exactly how you feel! Phone your boyfriend when you feel a bit upset and then do some reading for your course. the main thing is to be somewhere, where there are other people like the library or pc room.
take care
Run outside shouting 'WHERE'S THE PARTY AT GUYS?'.
Reply 8
Your just home sick. It will pass and you will get to know more people. Try to make a more conscious effort though, such as asking people on your course if they're up to anything in the night.

It'll get better, so chin up :smile:
Reply 9
this girl left uni after 2 weeks because she was homesick.

i wanted to laugh in her pathetic weak face.
what a loser.
Reply 10
when your course starts you will get to meet new people, and it doesnt matter if you dont go out much this week, you have 3 whole years to party. Just try to talk to everyone you meet, get out as much as you can, join clubs etc. Dont worry, a lot of people feel the same as you!
Reply 11
I don't understand what's so bad about staying in and taking things slowly, I've spent most of freshers week not going out, and I'm still enjoying myself. You need to learn to enjoy spending time on your own.
this girl left uni after 2 weeks because she was homesick.

i wanted to laugh in her pathetic weak face.
what a loser.

How charming. Some people find it harder than others and that kind of comment is pointless and judgemental.
Reply 13
How charming. Some people find it harder than others and that kind of comment is pointless and judgemental.

yeh, some people find it harder because they are losers.

if you cant even move out of your house into an environment where all you do is learn and party... well, you pretty much suck.

some people like to give up when challenges are posted infront of them.
what happens the next time the girl who left is faced with another challenge? she will give up again.
Reply 14
yeh, some people find it harder because they are losers.

if you cant even move out of your house into an environment where all you do is learn and party... well, you pretty much suck.

some people like to give up when challenges are posted infront of them.
what happens the next time the girl who left is faced with another challenge? she will give up again.


Now, kindly pee on my face.
Reply 15
What bull. You think we all look like pornstars or something? ;spank;

haha. You get more attention than us guys and that's for sure!
Reply 16
What bull. You think we all look like pornstars or something? ;spank;

no i dont think your all porn stars but guys approach girls alot at least ive seen it alot. Even if your ugly people will still do it as long as you dont look dead angry and pissed of all the time
Reply 17
i broke down at on epoint early on in freshers week. i didnt get on with my landing people at ALL and id just got off the phone to my bf whom i missed loads... i was really worried id be staying in on like only the second night of freshers week and i started to cry...

then i stopped. wiped my eyes, did my hair and took a bottle of wine i had to the landing on some people i barely knew and had randomly met earlier that day saying "who's up for pre-going out drinks?!"

i never looked back :smile:

chin up!!!
Reply 18
After you've been at uni for a while, you get used to being awaay from home and people you miss and stuff. Just try and keep busy doing something, or go to a place where you know there are going to be other people, e.g. pc room / tv room / bar / common room / introduce yourself to another flat / wherever, and don't shut yourself in your room alone if your feeling lonely/depressed/missing people coz it's not going to make you feel better doing that. Go and be around other people and try not to think about missing people and you'll be fine.
First of all, as people have said, just go and meet people. Chances are a lot of people feel the same way. But, if that's not for you, find something to do that you enjoy, that's bound to raise your spirits. When I've been depressed, I always found that Scrubs helped.

You WILL meet people, and you WILL enjoy yourself, even if it takes you just that little bit longer than everyone else.