The Student Room Group

Attention from men

Like every other girl, I get loads of attention from pervy old men on the streets. Does anyone find it irritating? I was in the bus this afternoon, and this man kept staring at me, constantly. I felt really uncomfortable. Even at school, I have loads of guys trying to touch me and say sexual comments to me. I also hate it when men in cars pop their heads out and shout at you, and stalk you for your number. How does every other girl handle this kind of attention?

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Reply 1
Accept that fact that alot of guys are total pricks. When you find the 1 decent guy, better marry him quick!
Just ignore them. The guys in the street and cars, you'll probably never see them again so that's alright. And the guys at school, ignore them and they'll eventually get the hint. Or you could always give them a quick slap...
Reply 3
Wish i got that kinda attention from the chicks in their cars :wink:
Reply 4
Reply 5
Wish i got that kinda attention from the chicks in their cars :wink:

Reply 6
You do if some of them are pissed, but it's so rare.
Reply 7

Excellent!!! :smile:
Reply 8
I just ignore. If they continue to stare then I will give them a look and move further away. Stuff like beeping their horns though I don't mind - it makes me laugh and is an ego boost if nothing else, especiall,y when I'm looking like crap.
Reply 9

Not every girl gets that attention. I find its only ones who dress for it.
Reply 10
Clearly I'm not "every other girl." Are you starting this thread just for attention?
Reply 11
I find it nice to go out in hoodies and jeans sometimes so that guys won't look at me and make embaressing comments etc. Although I'm often with other guys anyway, so other men don't bothere saying anything which is good.
cover your body up then... would soon solve the problem
I was followed by an old man last year along the river, it was very scary :frown: I do find a lot of old men look at me, it's really unnerving and weird, I just stare at them back and they usually look away, or I pull my top up lol xxx
Me and my girlfriend were in the Park the other day and I went into some bushes to find a big stick (everyone loves a big stick) and as I was coming out my girlfriend was walking towards me saying, rather animatedly, 'how old do you think those kids are?' and pointed to a couple of about 9 year old kids. I asked her why and she said 'because they just stopped right in front of me as they were walking past, stared at my breasts and one of them said 'look at the tits on that!''.

Personally I found it hilarious, but on a more serious note she does seem to get a bit of attention though, on account of her rather large chest. She seems to ignore cars and builders etc easily but does find blokes on a night out more annoying.

And any lad (or girl) who says things like 'cover up then' or 'it's just a compliment' needs to **** off and grow up. Unless of course you'd like it if a 6 foot 2 bald-headed belly on legs walked up to you in the street and said you had a nice arse and winked.
Reply 15

the spray or medievil weapon?
it helps to be short round and ginger - you'll never get any attention
(although now i have black hair, so ill see if it makes any difference)

i agree with the bear - its all about what you wear (to some extent anyway) it really makes me laugh when my mate complains about getting eyed up even though she wears low cut tops for the most everyday of things
Reply 17
I find half the time it doesn't matter what you wear - certain men still like to make inappropriate comments. *sigh* It makes me feel really uncomfortable too, but it helps to remember that as you said, they'll do exactly the same thing to pretty much any other woman walking down the street. I just ignore them - or glare. :P
yeh having people perv over you in public can be annoying sometimes, but trust me worse things have happened than having some guys gawp at you from a distance

For Example:

Like when im at the union with some friends, and towards the end of the evening finally get the perfect moment with the perfect girl, and as a bonus with the perfect song, only for some drunk girl from my course, to come over right at that moment, position herself between me and her, and right there and then start trying to make a move as i try to get rid of her, meaning that by the time i escape and get back to where i was, im told this "perfect girl" has disappeared off home with another person from the group who earlier told me that this "perfect girl" was "going to miss me alot". So im now completely humiliated and havent seen either of them since because id dropped out of the uni and was heading back home at the end of the week, while they both apparently spent that time hating and avoiding me because both being girls, it was inevitably all going to be my fault that the drunk tart from my course came over at all!

now id happily take a few pervy guys (yes guys if need be) whistling at me from their cars as they drove past, over all drunk girls who lack self control in clubs, a species i seem to attract too easily, and always at the worst possible times imaginable :frown:

but thats just my oppinion obviously
lol sorry i know that wasnt helpful for you in the least, i just felt like a rant :redface: