I was badly sexually abused as a child by my late father, but have had a lot of counselling, therapy e.t.c to help move on from it. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years ( since i was 16), and he loves and respects me and I him. However, I have never felt comfortable having a physical relationship with him....we havent gone further than kissing. I have never told him about the abuse, but I now feel ready to start thinking about having sex with him, and I know that I would need to tell him. I am worried as to how he would react, if he would be able to keep it form my family who are unaware of what went on, and I am just generally worried about having to talk it through with him. Its quite easy to talk to some one who you never have to see again such as a psychologist, but telling someone you love is really hard!Any tipe, thought, or comments, would be gratefully recieved...i know what i need to do, but i am so scared of doing it!