The Student Room Group
It's not when you phone it's what you say when you do phone. If you were uber amazing you could phone them every hour the next day and have their attention.
Reply 2
I'm ok with it, but I very rarely give out my no. so if I do it's coz I really like a guy.
I'd say take the risk, worst she can do is go 'who???? last night urghhh I was soooo wasted' In which case is she the kind of girl your looking for anyway?
Best she could say is 'Hi, really glad you called'
Nothing ventured nothing gained after all. :smile:
Reply 3
I usually ignore their texts cos i can't remember what they look like:biggrin:
Reply 4
I usually ignore their texts cos i can't remember what they look like:biggrin:


what was i saying about girls at clubs? lol.

i wish i could pos rep u for that.
its usually quite fun txting them in the morning when you get home, still drunk. usually can get some pics then :wink: