right this may be long, so only read it if you can put up with the context.
me and this guy have gradually become closer and closer till thurs night at a party where we just got so close it's nearly relationship close (so he said). i was pretty happy and stuff. while we were talking and stuff, he began to let out a lot of steam about personal stuff, and i being the nice person i am was being really supportive. he began to talk of his overprotectiveness of me, but then i had to leave pretty early and yeah, i felt kinda bad because he was still really annoyed inside but he walked me out and came back in.
when he went back in to the party, he went straight to the bar, got smashed out of his face.. and then the real party started. theres a girl who i've recently become friends with, and she knew that me and him really liked each other. but she's the type to go for attention, tried grinding on every lad, sold out her friends so she could make new 'popular' friends (and failed miserably), and ended up pulling my guy and my friend spotted them down an alley.
now i dunno whether i'm over exaggerating but i was really upset by what happened. she was sober, he reeeeally wasn't at all. i knew from the beginning she had an aim at the party, i just never realised it was whatever she did.
it annoys me how if i had stayed longer, he wouldn't have gotten so drunk and none of that would've happened. this girl's lost every bit of respect anyone had for her, because everyone at the party knew about me and him, even though we're not officially together.
she had the nerve to 'feel guilty' and ask some of my friends if i'd be mad at her. i'm not bothered about how i should react to her, i was told from the beginning she came across as a bit dodgy, which she did prove. i have heaps of supportive friends so getting over what happened from her side won't be a problem.
anyway, the problem is i don't know how to bring the subject up with him. i mean he was drunk but maybe he remembers it all? i've been told by so many people and i know that what me and him have, they can never have, and a pull with a quick shag won't get her no respect from him (it sounds stupid but he's the type of guy who's probably done it too many times), but its so damnit sleazy.
i hate talking about really personal stuff on the phone because you can never tell what they're thinking while you're talking (like you can sense when you speak to them face to face). i spoke to him last night and we were talking about our conversation and how he remembered every bit of the time we spent together.. but i was too cowardly to say anymore.
stupid question; what should i do?