The Student Room Group

Need advice to give advice

hi! :smile:
i know i dont need to be anon for this but i've never really posted a actually problem on this therefore it feels odd

the thing is i have a problem with my bf, well not me but him and his family, this may sound minor but not when we get to the end, it all started like this and ill try to keep it short lol

he was uploading something on the internet for school, it took at long time and therefore he asked his dad if he could go to the internet cafe, his dad agreed when he came back he wanted dsl, so his internet could go faster, his dad agreed again, however when it got to his making the decision she diagreed, he didnt get too mad but then she went to talk about how it would effect his eduaction and etc; now he goes to private school and this really pissed him off because he works like hell hard, anyway the problem increased with him answering back and dad nearly hitting him with a stick, u guys might be a bit like WTF lol but he wants to get that dsl thing for his internet

now me and him have a long distance thing and therefore he said he needed my suppor, i know i cant help him much but i can give him words of encouragement, i dono what to say! :confused:
i really mean it! i mean im normal good at giving advice but not with him! i want explain to him how much his parents care for him
please help!!
thanks a lot xx
Reply 1
Tell him to shut up whining about the DSL or pay for it himself. It's not his parents' responsibility to provide him with luxuries such as high speed internet.
Reply 2
its really hard to comfort people over dsl's lol, but is he really upset by his dad almost hitting him?
he must have very strong emotions..
Reply 3
hes mad!!
i mean when hes mad hes like hell mad!
i dont want him having problems with his family, i told him to explain to his mum about the problem and how hes going to need a fast net for school work and stuff but im not sure its good enough
Reply 4
if he really needs it he may aswell just pay for it himself.
tell him he's got to be brave and live through this, explain to him about his parents having looked after him since he was little etc, i dunno..

why doesn't he just spend more time in the library?
Reply 5
hes mad!!
i mean when hes mad hes like hell mad!
i dont want him having problems with his family, i told him to explain to his mum about the problem and how hes going to need a fast net for school work and stuff but im not sure its good enough

Jesus have a few stiff drinks.
If this is really getting you stressed, just wait till the real world comes.
Reply 6
Jesus have a few stiff drinks.
If this is really getting you stressed, just wait till the real world comes.

Why face the real world when you have broadband internet?!?

Oh wait... he doesn't have broadband internet, :frown:
Reply 7
Why face the real world when you have broadband internet?!?

Oh wait... he doesn't have broadband internet, :frown:

If I didnt have broadband internet I'd want my girlfriend to go mental and start calling child welfare about my parents.
Some people would say that was stupid, but not me.
Reply 8
If I didnt have broadband internet I'd want my girlfriend to go mental and start calling child welfare about my parents.
Some people would say that was stupid, but not me.

Me neither. I think that's a perfectly justifiable and reasonable response.
Reply 9
dump your boyfriend.
Reply 10
comfort him, agree with him and explain to him if you want it