The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Exhale it.
Put a match to my mouth and become a fire eater.
Reply 3
Enjoy my wonderful smelling breath.
Exhale it.

Forgt how to spell wrods correctyl.

Edit. Seriously, can't be that bad. Just relax and drink some water if it will make you feel better.
Reply 6
Enjoy my wonderful smelling breath.


enjoy the high. if it was going to kill you, it would have done it by now...
Reply 7
I always accidentally breathe a bit in when i use the sprayey kind of deoderent and i dont think its ever done me any noticeable harm, ut it doesn't feel very nice so I use roll-on whenever I can, so i suggest if it's a problem you do the same.
Reply 8
Settle any outstanding debts; bid 'farewell' to those who matter most.
Just don't do it again. A girl from a school near me died after inhaling deodrant fumes, but I think she was in an enclosed room and was putting far too much on.
Reply 10
Just don't do it again. A girl from a school near me died after inhaling deodrant fumes, but I think she was in an enclosed room and was putting far too much on.

I bet she smelled fantastic at her funeral though.
I bet she smelled fantastic at her funeral though.

Reply 12
Just don't do it again. A girl from a school near me died after inhaling deodrant fumes, but I think she was in an enclosed room and was putting far too much on.

Are you serious?? OMG! I can't belive all those times (daily) I got that crap in my mouth I could have DIED :eek:

If this is true, poor girl.
Used to irritate me in PE how much copius, ridiculous amounts of lynx were sprayed. Turns out they don't know how risky that was
Exhale it.

Reply 15
it would be impossible not to inhale some.