The Student Room Group

I ****ing hate ****ty River Island.

firstly, yesterday, the security guard manhandled me because i tried to go upstairs, when it was closed, since they've changed one of the River Islands in nottingham into some ****ty clearance shop. there was no sign or anything. ****ing ******

Now today, i saw a jacket I quite liked. it was black, with epaulettes and big silverly buttons. So i continued going round nottingham, realised that there was nothing better anywhere else, and went back to river island to buy it. when i got there, all the mediums had gone, and there were only smalls or larges (the rail was almost empty in fact). I stook there lookign confused, expecting that someone would ask if i needed help. Nobody came, but the big gay manager stood about one metre away from me, chatting to some weird girl about how girly she was or some ****. As i was about to leave, i saw one of the jackets hanging behind the tills. So i went to it, and saw it was medium. As i was about to pick it up, the big gay manager comes up to me, weird earpiece thing in ear, telling me i can't have it. I asked why not, to which he replied that they were going to use it in a display. I asked if he had any more mediums, he said no. I asked why he couldn't put a large jacket on a dummy, he said he just couldn't. He then took the jacket out of my hands.

So, yeah. i'm gonna burn down river island tomorrow. or at least go in and knock a display over...

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Reply 1
that sounds awful! i used to work in new look and if someone wanted something that was even already on display we'd give it to them!

just dont bother with them in future. I never shop there anyway, dont like it
Reply 2
River Island do suck, I brought a pair of sale jeans a few weeks ago, finally got around to wearing them and they had a huge rip!

But if you do need help, then please just go ask! We (all shop employees) dont have some sort of sixth sense, and if we spend the whole day in a small shop, of course we're going to have a chat occasionaly!
Reply 3
I take it its the old river island store near Victoria Centre they are turning into a clearance shop?

Thats pretty poor service ...I'll be sure to scowl next time i pass by.
Reply 4
I take it its the old river island store near Victoria Centre they are turning into a clearance shop?

Thats pretty poor service ...I'll be sure to scowl next time i pass by.

yeah. i'm not sure if it's going to eventually close down, or what. The second incident happened in the new shop, near the broadmarsh.
Reply 5
I thought River Island was going to become an online shop and all their stores were closing down. :confused:

really? hehe, i'd love that as i detest the stores :p:
Reply 6
I thought River Island was going to become an online shop and all their stores were closing down. :confused:

But their website sucks.
River Island is ****. Don't know why people shop there.
Reply 8
I thought River Island was going to become an online shop and all their stores were closing down. :confused:

Yet they are opening new stores all over the place?
Reply 9
That's extraordinarily bad service. Isn't their main aim to sell rather than do displays? That was ridiculous! I've often had to ask for display items - well actually I've never asked, if the shop I'm in don't have my size on the floor they offer the display item! Sometimes they say they can't take it off whilst the store is open but then they have it ready for the next day.

I've never bought anything from River Island though: most of their stuff seems overpriced (like their bags at the moment! £50 £60 and going on!)

Just avoid the place in the future.
Reply 10
"Around" meaning?

They are openign a store in the town I live in in the next few weeks and after googling it seems they are opening more stores than they are closing.
If you're that bothered, write to head office and complain.

I wouldn't say that the manager was gay though. That wouldn't go down well.
i hate river island for all the reasons above and below
-governed by c***s
Reply 13
I dont mind River Islands jeans, but Im not too keen on anything else in there, its definately very over priced and rubbish quality.

IMO some of their staff are rude too, I went in the other day to see if a pair of jeans I wanted was in stock (Ive been after them for 4 weeks, they never have my size and they're not on the website :rolleyes: ) and a member of their staff just walked into me, made no effort to get out of the way (I couldnt, I was next to a pillar and there was nowhere for me to move), and pushed me against the pillar with a mirror on! Then just gave me a dirty look and walked off!
Reply 14
I work at Next, and if we don't have a size in stock, but it happens to be on display, we always take it off the dummies...

I've had to climb into the shop window numerous times to take things off for customers.

Then again, I don't know why you were going behind the till, you should have called someone over and asked them if you could have it... maybe thats why the "gay manager" was a bit peeved off.

Though I would have thought the whole point of putting items on display were for selling them:rolleyes:
Reply 15
i love river island so much..!
I find 90% of their stuff soo tacky and quite expensive at least with topshop the expense comes with quality and some class-depends wot u buy...dont even get me started on the problems miss selfridge have though!
I bought a bag from there last week. Its nice... Can't say I was molested/told I couldn't have it... so I hold nothing against the shop.
Reply 18
I hate the staff there! Arghh!
That's abhorrent! You poor thing :hugs: I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that, I would've been livid after a shopping experience like that so you handled it well :cool:

Yeah I hate it when you're followed around the store, like you're gonna steal something - they do it all the time here in Australia too it's ghey. It's annoying when you just want to pop in and out, without having to conduct a speech as to why you're there x Hope your day got better x x