firstly, yesterday, the security guard manhandled me because i tried to go upstairs, when it was closed, since they've changed one of the River Islands in nottingham into some ****ty clearance shop. there was no sign or anything. ****ing ******
Now today, i saw a jacket I quite liked. it was black, with epaulettes and big silverly buttons. So i continued going round nottingham, realised that there was nothing better anywhere else, and went back to river island to buy it. when i got there, all the mediums had gone, and there were only smalls or larges (the rail was almost empty in fact). I stook there lookign confused, expecting that someone would ask if i needed help. Nobody came, but the big gay manager stood about one metre away from me, chatting to some weird girl about how girly she was or some ****. As i was about to leave, i saw one of the jackets hanging behind the tills. So i went to it, and saw it was medium. As i was about to pick it up, the big gay manager comes up to me, weird earpiece thing in ear, telling me i can't have it. I asked why not, to which he replied that they were going to use it in a display. I asked if he had any more mediums, he said no. I asked why he couldn't put a large jacket on a dummy, he said he just couldn't. He then took the jacket out of my hands.
So, yeah. i'm gonna burn down river island tomorrow. or at least go in and knock a display over...