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Reply 1
If you have a hypoallergenic stud in there, I'd leave it alone. Use an antiseptic wipe (or salt water is OK) and turn it a few times a day, but leave the stud in for a couple of months at least, until it's healed.
Reply 2
If you have a hypoallergenic stud in there, I'd leave it alone. Use an antiseptic wipe (or salt water is OK) and turn it a few times a day, but leave the stud in for a couple of months at least, until it's healed.

thanks rep on way.
Reply 3
with mine i found that the salt water irritated it more so i used savalon liquid antiseptic spray and for me it worked wonders!
Reply 4
dont use an anticeptic wipe. peircers never say to do that.
salt and hot water is what most peircers tell you to do.
thats what ive done with all of my peircings
Reply 5
I'd like to add that every piercing I've taken out and cleaned before it was healed has got infected.

Every piercing I've left in until it was healed has been fine.
Reply 6
Saline solution (can be got at places that sell stuff for contact lenses) may cost more, but will be sterile and should work as long as you don't have an infection.

If an infection does occur later on, the use of iodine or some kind of antiseptic may be neccessary.
Reply 7
it seriously hurts at the mo thats all i can say.
Reply 8
I'd like to add that every piercing I've taken out and cleaned before it was healed has got infected.

Every piercing I've left in until it was healed has been fine.

so best not to take it out-keep it in right?
Reply 9
I guess it will hurt for a few days, but it should be fine, if you don't manipulate it too much. A twist or two a day should be enough.

Take something like nurofen or ibuprofen if the pain is to bad (mind you I must say, you knew what was coming..) they are anti-inflammatory plus painkilling.
Just read up on the contraindications and check if you are ok in taking them. Also don't take them for more than 2-3 days in a row. The can give you gastritis or stomach ulcers if taken to long.
Reply 10
Do not twist your stud/ring.
Do not take it out.
Do not use savlon spray.
Do not use an anti septic wipe (or any kind of wipe. you need to be careful of fibres that could get trapped).
Do not assume you've got an infection without visiting your piercer.

All you need to do is a salt water soak twice a day (3 at first if it gets really gunky). You need 1 tsp salt to 1 pint water. It's best to warm it slightly, as it is really soothing then.
Reply 11
Do not twist your stud/ring.
Do not take it out.
Do not use savlon spray.
Do not use an anti septic wipe (or any kind of wipe. you need to be careful of fibres that could get trapped).
Do not assume you've got an infection without visiting your piercer.

All you need to do is a salt water soak twice a day (3 at first if it gets really gunky). You need 1 tsp salt to 1 pint water. It's best to warm it slightly, as it is really soothing then.

Do not listen to the bolded advice.
Reply 12
Do not listen to the bolded advice.

No, if you twist it you're dragging dirt and muck and germs into your piercing. Any crusty bits you haven't got off will scratch your piercing. You'll just badly irritate it.

You're giving bad advice. Stop it.
3% hydrogen peroxide solution applied 3x a day with a cotton wool bud
bout 70p a bottle from any pharmacist, boots etc, ull only need 1 bottle

next time you get a peircing, find someone who uses a needle rather than a gun - the gun tears the skin whereas a needle cuts it so its much less gunky and painful afterwards

he he he i just got my tragus pierced it lookes awesome, my mum is so pissed
Reply 14
No, if you twist it you're dragging dirt and muck and germs into your piercing. Any crusty bits you haven't got off will scratch your piercing. You'll just badly irritate it.

You're giving bad advice. Stop it.

I've always been told to twist piercings. I've never had an infection that way. Twisting it won't drag any dirt into it. It's good advice. You are the one giving bad advice. I suggest that you stop it.
Reply 15
Reply 16
Oh my gosh! A website?!? Well, I stand corrected! :rolleyes:

Every piercing I have had, I have been told to twist it. It stops it from scabbing, and it's always worked a treat. I trust professional piercers and personal experience more than I trust a website, thanks.
ive been told to twist lobe piercings 1x every few days, but everywhere else is hands off - ie cartilage of ur helix is no go area
Reply 18
I don't think that fighting about who is right will help the op. I have seen both: the "left alone piercing" and the "twisted piercing" both ok and infected.
I think there is no general rule, except do not finger it a lot, do not use all sorts of stuff on it (hydrogen peroxide is out in wound treatment, only used to "foam out" dirt in really grubby wounds!), saline solution, either selfmade or bought as suggested in various posts above is really the best when there is no infection.
I personally have better experiences with mildly manipulated, i.e. twisted piercings, but again this is not the be all and end all.

By the way: when was the piercing done?
Do not listen to the bolded advice.

I've heard people recommend twisting, and equally I've heard others recommending not to twist it. Even if your piercer has told you to do it, does it make it bad advice because it's different? Juno's (as I understand it, highly respected) piercer thinks it's better to leave it, and obviously has good reason to. S/he's not the only one to recommend that either. So, quit arguing about it and respect that there are different methods, not the be all and end all right way.

I'd personally leave well alone other than cleaning it, but, y'know, that's just me and all. And, well, my friend's piercer's advice.