The Student Room Group

Anyone good at diagnosing illnesses????

Ok, let me start by saying I would go to doctor but im in america and the one im registered with isnt open until monday and if i go anywhere else im not covered with my insurance so it'll cost me a bomb lol. So I am gonna go on monday, I just want any help or advice before then cos i feel like im dieing lol.

Ok a couple of weeks ago I had regular flu: high temperature but feeling shivering cold, really bad headache, generally feeling bad, sore throat, coughing etc

Then a week ago i flew to america, and still have high temp, but now my throat is so swollen i actually cant swallow water or eat, it hurts sometimes just to breathe, and yesterday i couldnt speak. I also had swollen eyes for a couple of days (that might have been due to the flight?) but ive been feeling sick as well, extremely tired (as in i have to sleep crazy amounts, yesterday i fell asleep at 5pm and woke up 11am this morning), i have no energy, and no appetite (in last week ive had 4 meals). Ive tried a course of those Advil multi flu symptom tablets but i didnt even notice a difference. Ive also tried throat lozengers cos my throat is that bad. Not sure what it is, just bad flu? Or something else? One of my housemates mentioned glandular fever but i dont know about that. Its been going on a couple of weeks now and just seems to be getting worse every day. Its mainly my throat that is bothering me.

Any help appreciated :smile:

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Reply 1
Oh my god see a doctor, you really cant afford to wait till monday, it could be anything from a common cold to meningitus.
You [mod edit: might] have glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis)
"Remember all advice is unprofessional."

So no, no-one here is competent to internet diagnose an illness.
& even if they could... sounds like you need treatment of some kind, just having a name for it won't help!

Surely your insurance must have an emergency outside of regular doctor hours provision?
Reply 4
im not sure, as it is theyre talking about charging me $100 just for a consultation, ive emailed my study abroad mentor back home but its a bit confusing with the time difference (its still lunchtime saturday here)
Reply 5
Its 21:43 GMT, if that helps. You've obviously caught something thats serious enough to see a doctor about, $100 might be worth it.
Reply 6
yeh, ive been putting it off for a few days hoping tht it would last a couple of weeks like normal flu/cold and disappear. I'll have a scout around for the docs number.
im not sure, as it is theyre talking about charging me $100 just for a consultation, ive emailed my study abroad mentor back home but its a bit confusing with the time difference (its still lunchtime saturday here)

1) Try to keep well hydrated
2) Keep on with the painkellers and anti-inflammatories
3) Get a course of penicillin if you can*

* Glandular fever is a virus, but if your throat is swollen and sore you have a superimposed tonsillitis (tonsils are glandular tissue) and penicillin will calm it down. Get ordinary penicillin V, not ampicillin or amoxycillin. If you're penicillin allergic, get erythromycin or clarithromycin.

4) See your GP when you get home, and get your liver function tests done. GF causes inflammation of the liver and spleen as well as the tonsils.

5) If you stop being able to swallow water, sod the cost and go to a US doctor. You might need to have fluid, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories into a vein.
Reply 8
its either ebola or necrotising faciitus . . .

nah theyre right $100 is worth it for your health. catching problems early is one of the best things you can do
Reply 9
Self medicating anything more than paracetamol/ibuprofen is also one of the worst things you can do, especially when advised by an Anonymous poster on an internet forum.
Reply 10
It really could be a whole lot of things and it would be irresponsible to try and give you the impression that a sensible diagnosis can be made. But here are a few illnesses you can try and see whether they fit:

Meningitis: you would very probably not be able to bend your head forward (to touch your knees) because the pull on your menigae when doing this, which normally isn't felt would give you a really bad pain. You would possibly also become desorientated
Mononucleosis: probably your liver (below ribcage, right hand side) would be swollen and palpable or even tender. You might have swollen lymphatic glands under your arms, under your lower jaw, in your groin. You would be feeling very ill.
Scarlet fever: usually a red tongue and a white triangle around mouth. Sore throat, high temperature, feeling of severe illness. Antibiotics will be given by doc.
Influenza: comes on within a few hours (feel fine in the morning, half dead at 2pm), temperature, aches all over

As I was saying, no way to diagnose you. But I suggest you keep in bed, take in as much fluid as you can (herbal tea, water), very light meals if at all. Get someone to look after you. Go to the doctor's on Monday straight away. If it gets worse, go tomorrow or today. Better pay, than regret not having gone.
True enough - you have no idea who we are on here, and no reason to take our advice.

But if you feel like trusting an anonymous poster - you [mod edit, again :rolleyes:: MIGHT] have glandular fever. Textbook style.
Reply 12
I hear that doctors are good at this sort of thing, give them a try on Monday. If you feel you can't wait that long try NHS direct or an on-call doctor.
Reply 13
Shes in America.
Reply 14
thanks for help, i tried phoning the doctors im registered with here in the US and they open 7.30am monday so i'll go along then and hopefully they can sort it out
Reply 15
yeh ive moved to america for a year studying abroad hence why im a bit disorientated when it comes to making appointments and costs lol
Anyone good at diagnosing illnesses????
Yes, a doctor is usually pretty good at that.

I understand that it will cost a bit but your health is worth paying for. Things can get worse without treatment and something minor can develop into something more serious. You've said the doctor won't be open until Monday. Have you checked if there are any clinics, or other doctors that would be open and might be able to see you? I'd say if you feel like you will be ok to wait until Monday then do so & if it gets a lot worse then seek medical help elsewhere.
Reply 17
Shes in America.

Oh I forgot, they don't have medicine in America. If you're sick, you're sick and you'll just have to pay for the on-call. Here's hoping you hold out until monday. Peace of mind if worth more than money.
Reply 19
im poor hehe (no seriously i am, not sure i can afford the plane ticket home as it is so if i can make do till monday i will lol!)