The Student Room Group

Alcohol pain

Hi all
I am a 15 year old who over the last 3-4 has started to drink more than my fair share of booze. During our family holiday to barbados I drank alot and puked a few times. In the last week of the summer holidays I had to much one evening, and after finishing off with port I headed to bed.
The bext morning I got a real pain whenever I drank something acidy (orange juice in particular) I couldn't drink anything with alcohol for a week after due to the sheer burning pain as it went down to my stomach....
5 weeks on and I'm sitill struggling to even enjoy a beer... I still get a light pain whenever I swallow's very uncomfortable....
non alcoholic drink don't hurt at all...
whats wrong with me???
Reply 1
You're a 15 year old binge drinker, for one.

We really cant diagnose you, our medical degrees are still in the post, just go to your local doctor and they'll be able to help you, your parents dont have to find out.
Reply 2
your liver is dying. please stop drinking for a while as you are too young to be drinking so regularly. the pain is your body telling you this.
It's a blessing in disguise. Take notice of what your body is telling you!
Reply 4
I've obviously gone way over the top in my description

binge drinker, for one.

I wouldn't got that far, I'm by no means dependent on it.... and unless offered don't feel the need to
Reply 5
I've obviously gone way over the top in my description

I wouldn't got that far, I'm by no means dependent on it.... and unless offered don't feel the need to

Dependent = alcoholic, binge drinker is what you described. Its pretty damaging to anyones liver, especially one thats not fully grown.
Reply 6
our medical degrees are still in the post,

haha *props* :biggrin:
Reply 7
All things in moderation and all that. Basically the government put the age limit on boozing because that's when your body has the capacity to deal with the occasional drink.
Binge-drinking is never good; especially so young. Go see your doctor.
Reply 8
Overuse of alcohol either periodically (as during a holiday) or steadily can cause gastritis (an inflammation of the "lining of the stomach"). Pains around the stomach, a feeling of "burning coals" there and heartburn might occur.

Alcohol induced gastritis is quite common; especially if you also smoke.

What to do:

stop drinking alcohol right now

go to your GP; there are tests that can be done to find out whether it is a gastritis. He can give you medicine for that, which will only help if the cause is removed (i.e. alcohol)

Meanwhile don't eat food that is hard to digest such as peppers, fat etc.
Reply 9
Haha reminds me of the good old days. Really you should've been drinking coconut rum out there and you'd be fine now.
Reply 10
During our family holiday to barbados I drank alot and puked a few times.

If youve been sick, youve been binge drinking.

Drinking to get drunk is binge drinking
Reply 11
Why else would you be drinking at that age?

At that age if you aren't sick you havent drunk enough.
Reply 12
I used to drink at that age cause i thought i looked cool, even if i did have a Bacardi Breezer/Reef in my hand.
Reply 13
I once downed three BBs in 5 minutes followed by an amount of vodka, my puke was bright orange...really quite disgusting.
Reply 14
Reply 15
You're 15, you shouldn't even be drinking. Simple.