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Basically all my life i have had a problem with my eyes where they do not focus on the same thing, i dont have binocular vision one points in a different direction. I had surgery when i was too young to remeber but it worked for a bit then went back. Just wondered if anyone else had this or looking for some support. I have a bit of a low self esteem as a result i hate looking at people because you can tell whenever i meet someone new they are thinking oh whats wrong with his eye and stuff. I also hate looking at myself in a mirror it looks horrid not having two eyes pointing forwards. I really dont know much about the condition and cant find much on the internet i dont know whether i can have surgery again or whethere i am too old. I just wish i was normal, i have always had snide remarks made to my face or behind my back, or just common ignorance like "have you got a glass eye", "why are your eyes like that" i find it very upsetting and have always felt slightly aloof and shy. Sorry its a long post.

Please Reply i dont suppose anyone else has this as its quite rare.
Reply 1
I dont have the condition, but i think you really need to see your GP. Its obvious that you don't know much about your condition and anything that can be done about it and that this is really getting you down, your doctor should be able to help.

Oh and people can be dicks, i was in a wheelchair for a few months earlier this year and people would either make comments between themselves about me, stare or completely ignore me. Its just human nature unfortunately. :smile:
Hey - I'd turn it around actually. Make it into your own party trick! Don't try to hide it or be shy! Show off - your different which is good! Everybody loves a good party trick and the fact you do it all the time? Just adds to your character!
You're probably too old to ever have binoular vision now, because there's a critical period for your brain to wire up the input it receives in order to do this. But a suprisingly high number of people don't have binocular vision for whatever reason, they just don't realise that what they're seeing isn't "normal" until they come across a specific task that requires it!

But i don't see why you shouldn't be able to have surgery to correct the outward appearance, especially when it's having such a psychological impact. As 3232 said, perhaps go & see your GP about it? is the NHS Direct online article for it.. though it doesn't mention if the childhood surgery doesn't work unfortunately - i guess that's quite rare.

Hope things work out for you. :smile:
Thanks but if i can correct the outward appearance isnt that binocular vision.
Well it might help in preventing double vision but true binocular vision involves both your eyes working together in a high up in the brain way e.g. to give stereopsis (depth perception). To have this your brain needs correct input from both eyes before the brain becomes less flexible in changing the way it works, which is why the doctors try & operate early in children to get the best results.
There's some info here:

But as I said, not having depth perception probably isn't that big a deal. & it sounds like it's more the cosmetic part that's bothering you?
That site is american I think but mentions some treatment options you could talk to your GP about:
Reply 7
I know how you feel, i have the same condition in my left eye...and it really sucks....but i've been looking up information about the operation to fix it and i really want it done. I'm gonna talk to my optician tomorrow when i go for my check up and see what they say, but apparently people have had it done in there 70's or something so i dont see why i cant!

I know it does really get you down sometimes, which is why i'd like to get it corrected...i dont know the details of yours, but mine's fne with glasses/contacts lenses... but when i'm tired/ drunk it still becomes obvious. Is it the same with you?

Anyhoo, hopefully it can be sorted before uni!! :wink:

i think because we're not so young anymore they might not be able to fix the vision part of it so much, but the allignment will be better. anyhoo fingers crossed eh?

if you ever wanna chat about it u can always pm me or something :smile:
Thanks for the reassurance sometimes it really gets me down and other times i dont care. I dont have to wear glasses but my eye is constantly misaligned, i might look at surgery again in a couple of years (before going to university). I wish people were better informed because its hurtful when people make you feel different. Will you let me no how the surgery goes because although i have had it before (i think) i cant remember much. My vision isnt bad i dont get double vision have to wear glasses or anything however one eye is slightly weaker than the other but i have done all i can for that and it doesnt really bother me. Its a complex issue but its good to know i am not the only person, thanks for all the advice.
Reply 9
That's ok anytime :smile:

I haven't had a porblem with people being mean as such, just comments like "who are you talking to" as they're not sure who you're looking at...that's not nice.....

anyhoo, you're def not alone and if i can actually get the operation done, i'll let you know all the details i think there's some poeple ons TSR that have actually had it done already, as i started a thread similar to this a while ago...hmmmm

still, at least you know u havent got any other eye problems.. i have bizarre eyes haha....

anyhoooo, glad to help xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply 10
Just go see your GP, maybe they didn't do the surgery correct in the first place and now you might be able to get it done again properly. By the way your quite "anonymous" arn't you? :P
Yes i dont think its a good idea giving too much away on the internet. Could come back to haunt you.