The Student Room Group

Worried about Freshers.

Hey, I was really looking forward to freshers next week, but my granny died this morning.

It wasn't expected by anyone at all, and I don't really know what to do with myself.

I'm really worried now that I'm going to end up left out over freshers as no-one wants some sadcase mooping about, plus I'll have to come back for the funeral in the week.

Has anyone lost someone just before freshers? How have you coped? And how sympathetic are the admin people as regards to missing out on signing up.

Reply 1
Unfortunately I have been in the exact same situation as you, the week I first started uni a few years back, my nan died. I started freshers week on the Monday and she died on the Tuesday, really unexpectedly in her sleep.

If you feel well enough to go out, I dont see why you cant still join in. Im sure your gran would want you to do that.

I found that my uni were really helpful, if you tell them whats happened they will hopefully do anything they can to help. Make sure your tutors are aware of the situation so you dont get into trouble if you miss any classes. You might also want to ask them to save any handouts for you.

Hope everything goes ok xx
Hey. I'm sorry about your grandma - I hope that the shock is starting to wear off a bit.
I'm coping with the shock news that my Mum has been diagnosed with luekaemia, and am going back to uni next week, so I have some idea of how you feel. My advice to you would be to spend as much time as you possibly can with your family, but going to uni with the knowledge that you must go on and live your own life. It's normal to grieve for your granny and it will make Freshers week harder for you than it would have been. But people are still just that - normal people, and if you tell them that you granny died last week, they won't expect you to be the life and soul of the party, because they will understand. You will still get to meet lots of people, and in a way it might help you to heal the shock a bit faster than normal, because you have so many new things to concentrate on.
I'm sure that the admin staff will be sympathetic to your situation if you let them know of it - but I'm also sure that you will be alright with regards to signing up.
Chin up, keep smiling, and things will be okay. It's a cliche, but time really is a healer. Trust me, the shock is definitely the worst part of it, and when this part is over, you will be able to get back to nearly normal again.
Hope that helps and I wasn't badly insensitive or something :s-smilie:
LGR xxxx
Reply 3
Hey, thanks for the advice :smile:

She died really unexpectadly in her sleep, and she was 87 so at least she had a good life, and it's probably the best way to go, as she went to sleep really excited about coming round for dinner today.

I'm just feeling really selfish, because I keep thinking about how much of freshers I'm going to miss, and how it's going to make it hard to make friends :frown:
Not selfish at all :smile:
She went the best way but its only natural you feel crap for quite a while! She'd want you to have a good time so thats what you've gotta try to do :smile: