The Student Room Group

PS - use of spaces after full stops?

Hey all, just wondering how to do about the spacing in my PS. I was taught back in primary school that when word processing, you're supposed to leave one space after a comma but two after a full stop. However, since the PS has a character limit, using 1 space after a full stop would save a few characters that could be used to write a bit more. So, is it acceptable to use a single space after full stops? What do you all do?
Also, how many spaces should be used to indent a new paragraph? At the moment I'm using 2, is this enough?
Reply 1
use 1 space after a full stop or comma

indenting paragraphs use the tab button...looks better and is only one character
Reply 2
Hmm Stu, see I was taught that when typing, all paragraphs should have a one line gap.
Reply 3
Hmm Stu, see I was taught that when typing, all paragraphs should have a one line gap.

but that's just unfeasible for the PS, there's a 47 line limit too...
Reply 4
You can't indent on the PS, UCAS automatically deletes indents or multiple spaces. So either, leave a blank line or just start a new line for each paragraph.

Reply 5
ye one space after full stop or comma.

do not leave a blank line unless u have nothing to say, jsut start a new line.
Reply 6
Good practice involves leaving double spaces between sentences. For better or for worse, UCAS doesn't allow you to do this, even if you want to. :smile: They do a good job at trying to standardise PSs to prevent any particular applicant getting an edge over another through formatting of the PS.