Hi im just wondering has ne1 got the payment dates for the bursay because i have lost my letter. Thanks x
3rd friday of every month - first payment was 15th of spetmeber, although if you are in the 1st year and haven't enrolled yet you wn't have any money till october and it'll get back dated
3rd friday of every month - first payment was 15th of spetmeber, although if you are in the 1st year and haven't enrolled yet you wn't have any money till october and it'll get back dated
According to the letter from the bursary unit the first payment is 10 days after the start of the course and is for two months payment. So that would be 4th October if you start tomorrow.
you know how we got September and Octobers payments all in one...does that mean we now dont get a payment untill November??
Yes thats right hannahpne54 when you first start on a bursary they gave u 2 months upfront so your next payment will not be until november unless it has changed since i received it.
Yes thats right hannahpne54 when you first start on a bursary they gave u 2 months upfront so your next payment will not be until november unless it has changed since i received it.
I thought we didnt get paid until december but I may be wrong
Hi, im in my second year so i applied for my bursary last year and they delayed ours back til october as well but u do get 2 months worth of bursary. However i wouldnt take what they tell you or what you hear as set in stone as they do mess you about a bit. As well my year found that the money actually went in on the thursday not the friday although i dunno if theyve changed that now and if it does go in on thursdays (which is worth checking) then it will go in on fridays when there was a bank holiday on the monday.
Hope you all get your money soon as i know how it feels to be completely skint at uni.