The Student Room Group

don't know what to do

I'm feeling really down at the moment and i don't know what to do. I think its depression cos I feel really suicidal and i have been like this before. I have told my best friend but she doesn't know how to help me and my parents have found out that i have been self harming but they aren't doing much either. I just broke up with my boyfriend and i really miss him but i know that he is busy and doesn't need to know about my problems so i don't want to drag him in. I don't know what to do and i think i'm goin to do something that i might regret if i don't find a solution. Does anyone know some self help methods that might make me feel better?

Go see a doctor. Depression is something that can be diagnosed + cured :smile:
Reply 2
I'm on the pill even though theres not much point since i'm not in a sexual relationship anymore but i don't want to muck up my cycle if u know what i mean. and surely going on antidepressants will make the pill useless
Sorry can't help on that one. I'm no 'pill expert'!

I'd go talk to a doctor though. Explain your problem and see if they can do anything to help :smile:
Reply 4
Definetly go to a doctor, and they should assign you to a counsellor. They really help, you can explain all of your problems and you may feel a lot better.
You need to talk to a doctor or counseller, or call the samaritans these people are trained to deal with problems such as depression, self harm and can help you. A doctor will be able to put you on anti dpressantstaht wont interfere with your cycle. So dont worry about that. I've included a link so hopefully that will help you as well. I've been in a similar situation especially regarding self harm and sucide. PM me if you wanna talk. I wish you all the luck in world you'll be alrite in the end