The Student Room Group

The Forbidden Fruit: A Black Girl?

Quite recently (some weeks ago) I have been attracted to some black girls....this is quite unnusual for me as I ussually go for white girls...but Im interested to know how it is being with a black girl? Is this just me being curious or do I seem really attracted to them to the point I wanna 'see' how it is with them? Have you ever been in my position before?

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Reply 1
Why are they forbidden fruit?

They are human you know. Why are you generalising a whole race of people, as if they're all going to be the same in bed?
Reply 2
*waits for the PC brigade to arrive*

but i dont see what you realy mean, how much difference do you expect?
Reply 3
Forbidden Fruit - it was a programme on Channel 4 about this quite a while ago...about guys going for other types of can google if you dont believe me.
Reply 4
*waits for the PC brigade to arrive*

but i dont see what you realy mean, how much difference do you expect?

I hate the PC Brigade.
Reply 5
this is positive dicrimination you racist bastard!
Reply 6
All people are different from each other whatever their race. You cant put people into simple categories.
Reply 7
How am I racist? im just saying I am curious about it...but i dont know how to deal with it as im ussually into white girls, this is preferance not racism...

I just wanted to know if there are people out there who are in my position who want to know how it is to date a black girl because none of my friends do as they all into white women...
I'm pretty sure it would be exactly the same as 'going' with a white girl, except her skin would presumably be a few shades darker.
Reply 9
Black girls are so much more high maintenance, trust me!! lol

and before any black girls come on at more or neg rep me, i can say hanestly being balck having gone out with white girls black girls and even one chinese girl and have numerous black girl cousins, they are high maintenance.

no doubt now the one black girl that will read this will say she is the exception and maybe you are coz yeh there are some non high-m types but generally lol...
Reply 10
maybe the girls youve gone out with are but we all arent like that.
i know im not.
Reply 11
Thanks for an honest reply ----^

Basically I just wanted to know if there are white men out there who would go for black girls...thats all. I just think some of them have a nice booty and dance well :smile:
Reply 12
Thanks for an honest reply ----^

Basically I just wanted to know if there are white men out there who would go for black girls...thats all. I just think some of them have a nice booty and dance well :smile:

haha nice booty.
yeah some white men do go out with black girls of course.
you wont be the only one so dont worry. :p:
if its what you like then go for it
Reply 13
Btw, I picked 'Forbidden Fruit' title because there was a channel 4 programme which was discussing the same thing...about people going for diff races...
Thanks for an honest reply ----^

Basically I just wanted to know if there are white men out there who would go for black girls...thats all. I just think some of them have a nice booty and dance well :smile:

Well obviously there are, given the large number of mixed-race people in the world. :rolleyes:
Reply 15
Its just that its kinda 'forbidden' from where I come from. As in all my friends go for white girls, and going for a black girl is 'forbidden' or kinda uncommon if you get me...thats why I was curious to know how people cope with this issue..
Reply 16
maybe the girls youve gone out with are but we all arent like that.
i know im not.

haha my best friend (black girl) would be the first to admit it she is high maintenance.

in fac tits interesting ure form SE London coz y god sister and her mates form SE (25 or 26 to be exact lol altho icant memba which) they pretty sane and not effort at all, in fact my godsister trekked to lewisham jsut to meet her bf from work, now no girl here in birmingham would ever do that lol.
Reply 17
Its just that its kinda 'forbidden' from where I come from. As in all my friends go for white girls, and going for a black girl is 'forbidden' or kinda uncommon if you get me...thats why I was curious to know how people cope with this issue..

whereabouts dya come from?
Reply 18
whereabouts dya come from?

Wales, but in London now for uni
Reply 19
haha my best friend (black girl) would be the first to admit it she is high maintenance.

in fac tits interesting ure form SE London coz y god sister and her mates form SE (25 or 26 to be exact lol altho icant memba which) they pretty sane and not effort at all, in fact my godsister trekked to lewisham jsut to meet her bf from work, now no girl here in birmingham would ever do that lol.

well i dunno maybe its because of the stuff im into and the friends i have, thats why im not high maintenance.
i love traveling so i wouldnt care.

Wales, but in London now for uni

i dunno what wales is like but surely youd have nothing to worry about in london.
londons such a mixed place no one would say anything or care and ever if they did who cares. its got nothing to do with them.