The Student Room Group
Reply 1
erm it depends on how old you look but alot of clubs and stuff seem to id everyone so...but then again when i go out with my mates who are like 4 years older than me and they blatantly look older they get asked for id.
i guess you could chance it but i have a feeling youll be asked to produce some form of i.d
Reply 2
Under 16 and want to get in to clubs?
Well, personally, I'm with Sheen, it'll be difficult.
Reply 3
Clubs are quite strict with ID now, I think you just have to try really.

The big names like Yates or something are very strict with ID, but maybe a lesser known or smaller club won't be so bad.
I doubt youd be able to get into a club. Try a bar or something maybe.
Reply 5
why do u want to go at 15 anyway??
Reply 6
why not go to a pub instead and get someone who looks the oldest to buy the drinks.
why not go to a pub instead and get someone who looks the oldest to buy the drinks.


unless you atully look older theres no point in even trying...if you do look older invest in a good fake id or always go out with older guys that way you never get id:biggrin:
Reply 8
why not go to a pub instead and get someone who looks the oldest to buy the drinks.

If the person buys more than one drink at a time, they'll want I.D. from everyone who the drinks are for.
Reply 9
Original post by &#964
If the person buys more than one drink at a time, they'll want I.D. from everyone who the drinks are for.

when i was younger we went into pubs alot and we only ever got asked for i.d once.
so i guess it just depeneds on how strict the club/pub or bar is
Reply 10
Not that we don't feel your pain etc, but TSR doesn't endorse illegal activity.