The Student Room Group

Education.. or love?

Hey, a couple of weeks back i met someone who i can honestly call my soulmate. I struggled to get through my two years of GCSE and i have never been an person who particularly enjoys dictation and sitting within the constraints of a classroom hence why those two years where intensley difficult. I havent been to college for two weeks, as im meant to be "seriously ill" but am meant to be back tomorow. I dont want to do it. My heart isnt in it. But my family are making a collective effort to pressure me into going to college. I love them, but i want to follow my instics. I want to see the world with the person i love. I want to experience life. Yes, i have everything ahead of me, but i cant physically do it. My mind is a place elsewhere. I dont want to compromise my family life but i truley do love this person and i dont want to postpone our relationship any longer. Im torn as to what to do.

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Reply 1
Hey, a couple of weeks back i met someone who i can honestly call my soulmate.

I stopped taking the thread seriously at this point.
Reply 2
So whats the problem? The girl/boy is leaving? Or are you due to be sewn together and therefore education would become impractical?
whats stopping you being in love and in education??
Reply 4
your a nutter, honest straight up nutter. And your going to remember posting this in 2 years and think what on earth was i like.
Reply 5
Looks to me like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. You've admitted you won't do well in education, and if you go with your "soulmate" (at 16? :rofl:) you'll be thinking in a few months, when the sparks gone, that you've screwed up your life for this guy. I'd sure hate to be in your position.

At any rate, I'd go for education. I honest to God don't see what's stopping you from doing that anyway, even with this guy. You'd only end up working in Tescos if you dropped out anyway.
Reply 6
and if you go with your "soulmate" (at 16? :rofl:)

That he's known for 2 weeks...
Why can't you do both?
Reply 8
That he's known for 2 weeks...

Christ, i've only just clocked that. OP, you're a mentalist.
Reply 9
Christ, i've only just clocked that. OP, you're a mentalist.

:ditto: Now that dramatically changed what i was thinking...
Hey, a couple of weeks back i met someone who i can honestly call my soulmate.

Just because you both enjoy pizza and the Simpsons it doesn't mean you're soulmates.
Reply 11
erm, put it this way, you only really get one chance to education and you don't wanna blow it.
if hes seriously your 'soulmate' he'll be there for you after college aswell as now.
Reply 12
It's a shame that romance doesn't work in this world.
Reply 13
okay i made a thread a few days ago about one of my friends breaking up with her bf because of GCSE's and she was well stupid, if theres true love then eveything can be balanced
Reply 14
If its true love you should be able to have both.
Reply 15
If its true love you should be able to have both.

I agree
or have the faith that he/she will be there in 3 years time
Reply 17
Sounds to me like you dont like education and want an excuse to get out and this, *ahem* "Soulmate", is the answer to your problems. But trust me, unless youve known then for a loooooooong time they cant be soulmates? You cant go traveling with them at this age.

If this person is leaving and you want to go with them, and you both truely think your each others soulmates, he wouldnt travel anywhere without you!!!

Just stick at education, itll be worth it.
Reply 18
Do what you want to do... listen to yourself, you have already answered your own question - definitely love! Life is way too short these days, go for it!
Reply 19
As the radiohead song goes, True Love Waits :biggrin: