The Student Room Group

what should my fiancee do if he is dismissed from medical school

he has came to the conclusion that medical school was not for him,
he had not passed several attempts on an exam, which now he faces a removal from med school.
now he is faced "what to do" all the years he put in, and this being his last year everything to him is gone.
he has majored in biology and chemistry but stuck to wonder what does the future hold. with 5 children to raise he knows he faces a big challenge in the future!
can anyone recommend so advise on what steps to do now
thankx so much for reading this post!
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one more thing
does anyone know that if you are dismissed from medical school can you go to another state and continue there?? :shot: :frown::questionm
Reply 1
does anyone know that if you are dismissed from medical school can you go to another state and continue there??
i think you can... i dont think universities can be so hard

thought of changing his major maybe?

taking a year off and studying, working to get experience, and then starting over?
Reply 2
A bit late finding out in the last year. I don't know about other countries, but in Germany once you have been exmatriculated in one subject, you cannot study it at any uni anywhere in the country ever again. So you don't ever let youself be thrown out (=exmatriculated) but leave a course before the final try, unless you are certain you will not ever want to come back to that subject.

After having completed medical school he doesn't need to work as a doctor. With all the things he seems to have done mabe he can go and work for a pharmaceutical firm?
he had not passed several attempts on an exam, which now he faces a removal from med school.

Which subject is he having trouble with ?
Most medical subjects are pretty straightforward.
Reply 4
This is a UK based site so i doubt very few of us would know how things work regarding US med schools. It is different here as medicine is predominantly an undergrad course. If you drop out (or get kicked out) here it is very very difficult to go to another university and do medicine.
There are jobs where he can use his degree directly I'm sure.