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Reply 1
Just take it at like the shoulders and let her shrug it off. Its a slightly weird gentlemanly thing, I'd prefer he opened a door, or took heavy stuff i was carrying.
Reply 2
Why oh why did you feel the need to tick the lil anonymous box for this topic?
Same way you'd help a guy put on a coat?
Reply 4
Step 1: 'Dear would you like me to take that for you'
'Yes Dearest'
Step 2: Place right hand on females right shoulder
Step 3: Pull the right hand side of the coat down, so here arm is now free from the coat.
Step 4: Use your right hand to make the coat level, and use your left hand to gentle pull off the left side of the coat.
Step 5: Hang coat on nearest hanger and politily return to the female.

Hope that helped you.
Reply 5
Personally I wouldn't want a man to take my coat off for me - I am perfectly capable of doing it myself1
However, I can see that you are trying to be a gentleman and polite, but like another poster said there are other ways of showing this - such as opening a door etc which doesn't seem quite as pointless.
Does anyone do this?
Also, how do you do it? Whenever I've felt like I should I've never done so because I have no idea what to do and assume I'll get it wrong.

The coat's easy.... it's the bra that can be a bit fiddly.
Reply 7
The coat's easy.... it's the bra that can be a bit fiddly.

:rofl: :biggrin: I found that rather amusing!
Reply 8
There's a fine line between being chivalrous and patronising...
The coat's easy.... it's the bra that can be a bit fiddly.

The coat's easy.... it's the bra that can be a bit fiddly.

I have a theory that high security prisons should replace the locks with bra straps. That way none of them would be able to escape! Or am I the only one who has this problem? :rolleyes:
:rofl: :biggrin: I found that rather amusing!
I have a theory that high security prisons should replace the locks with bra straps. That way none of them would be able to escape! Or am I the only one who has this problem? :rolleyes:

:confused: what were you doing with the straps?? you just need to undo the back XD
Reply 13
You just push both sides of the clasp thing together and voila. Though thats the theory, works about 80% of the time, the rest she has to turn around while you put the light on for a closer look.
Reply 14
So this has gone to coats to bras!! In my opinion just let the girl remove the bra, saves a lot of hassell!
And in reply to the actuall post, if some guy took my coat off for me id find it patronising
Reply 15
So this has gone to coats to bras!! In my opinion just let the girl remove the bra, saves a lot of hassell!

Yeah but its just not quite the sexy, heat of the moment, clothes ripping thing is it?
Reply 16
Yeah but when they start struggling to do it also sort of spoils the moment!
Reply 17
This is true, i was once faced with a basque(?) with about 6-7 bra clasps, it was my worst nightmare. That wasn't sexy, so i get your point.
Reply 18
basques are so pointless yes look good, but such a hassell to get on and off!!
Reply 19
Why would anyone find a guy helping you with your coat patronising?!?!? It's not as if they think you can't do it yourself, it's just kind. I like it when they do :smile: I mean, it's not really any more pointless than opening a door for you (unless of course you have your hands full), since it's just making life slightly easier for you. To the OP, I don't think you'd get it wrong, and if for some reason it went a bit clumsily, it wouldn't matter because I think the girl would still be quite pleased that you did it! It's unusual these days. Post #5 has the right idea. :biggrin: