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Reply 1
I don't really understand. Whats the context? What sexual past?
Reply 3
Might encourage her to keep quiet or lie about her past to the next guy. What exactly happend?
Reply 4
Surely that would be dependent on the individuals concerned?
Reply 5
That would depend on what the past was.
What is done is done. Why would a guy dump a girl for having sex before he met her, unless it was weird like incest or something that might have given her a disease?
yeah... i'd just think he was a bit of a tosser really.

But, please, tell us more.
Reply 8
Thats why I said it depends on the past. If its just that shes slept with more than one guy then obviously the bf is being a jerk. IF its something less savoury...well...
Pretty pointless thread without more info!
Reply 10
I broke up with my ex because he couldn't "cope" with the fact that I had had previous sexual partners before him and he became overly obsessive.

However, I am not ashamed at all of my past and so therefore would never lie about it and I told my current partner and he told me - neither pasts were a problem.

I really don't understand why people get so caught up in the past when it's the present and future that you should concentrate on in a relationship.
Reply 11
Wouldn't it depend upon the girl in question? Different girls would react differently.

Frankly if somebody dumped me for my sexual past I'd probably be glad to get rid of 'em.

Reply 12
The situation: The bf and gf both say they are in love. The girl tells the boyfriend she's had sex with a number of partners he and his friends find to be unacceptable. She puts it down to being single for 3 years at uni. He points out that lots of girls have been in the same situation and slept with far fewer, and she points to many of her friends who have acted a lot worse. They argue, resulting in the breakup of the relationship. After finding out even more from other people about his ex's past, the bf lets it be known to the gf what he and others think of her.
Reply 13
The situation: The bf and gf both say they are in love. The girl tells the boyfriend she's had sex with a number of partners he and his friends find to be unacceptable. She puts it down to being single for 3 years at uni. He points out that lots of girls have been in the same situation and slept with far fewer, and she points to many of her friends who have acted a lot worse. They argue, resulting in the breakup of the relationship. After finding out even more from other people about his ex's past, the bf lets it be known to the gf what he and others think of her.

Sounds exactly like my past relationship!

So what is the question you want answering?
Reply 14
How would the girl feel. would she be angry at the bf or ashamed that she had been dumped for that. how woud she approach future relationships. would she expect a similar reaction off other men???
Reply 15
How would the girl feel. would she be angry at the bf or ashamed that she had been dumped for that. how woud she approach future relationships. would she expect a similar reaction off other men???

Well I was angry - but obviously the relationship ended for the best - if a man who apparantly loves you is going to dump you for something as trivial as your past sex life then in my opinion that man is not worth it!

I didn't expect a similar reaction when myself and my current partner first discussed our pasts - we were both fine about it - afterall we love each other for who we are and not what we have done in the past. It's not like we were murderers in the past, we had sex for goodness sake (IMO not something to break up a relationship over!)
How would the girl feel. would she be angry at the bf or ashamed that she had been dumped for that. how woud she approach future relationships. would she expect a similar reaction off other men???

if it were me i would probably feel ashamed (although i don't think that she should) and would definately be worried about gettign a similar reaction from other men.

But I would also be grateful that I found out that my boyfriend has petty (and imo immature) issues before i did something silly like marry him.
Are we using 3rd person here when you are the 'her' in this case?
Reply 18
Never ever talk about pasts - creates all kinds of doubts and jealousy.
If a girl is dumped by a bf for her sexual past, how would this affect her views on future relationships. Would she feel anger toward the bf or would she be glad he told her?

for me, angry but glad to be rid of the idiot before it went any further. tho tbh i doubt i would ever be going out with said idiot in the first place. if i guy doesnt agree with me that a number is just a number then he isnt the one for me.

what kind of a past are we talking about?