The Student Room Group

Argument with Brother and Mum

sorry about anon....but i can't have people i know showing this to my brother.


My brother hasn't bothered to sort his tax out and he'll get a fine in 12 days if he doesn't file a return.

so apparently it's my responsibility to sort it out for him!!!

basically he's moaned at our mum that he's nervous about phoning them etc etc and doesn't want to do it.

now mum and I have fallen out because I refuse to sort it for him.

he's almost 17!!!! (like in a week). (i'm only 18)

the more he gets away with being treated like a baby the worse he'll get.


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Reply 1
Tell him to grow a pair, or tell your mum to do it for him. (The taxes, not the testicle growing)
Reply 2
I feel you on that one, champ.
Reply 3
that seems fair enough. I have the same situation with my brother. he's nearly 16 but is completely spoiled and mothered, and really is not expected to do anything. Don't give in! It's not going to help your brother or anyone. He should get off his arse and do it himself. And if your mum says 'don't be so pathetic, you're his older brother, help him out' (as mine would), just say he got himself into it, and whilst you care for him deeply, it's nothing to do with you. Also the tax people are going to find it really weird being called by a 17 year olds brother and probably wont be sympathetic.

Whatever happens, they should get over it. Not your fault
Please don't argue with your family.

They are the best possession you can have in your life.
Why's he got tax problems at 17 :confused:?
Why's he got tax problems at 17 :confused:?

u can work full time from 16 u know.. therefore having to pay income tax (u don't have to be earning loads to have income tax)
Reply 7
u can work full time from 16 u know.. therefore having to pay income tax (u don't have to be earning loads to have income tax)

I knew that you can work from sixteen, but I thought you had to be earning a certain amount to be elligible for tax, and I didn't think he'd be earning a lot a 17.
Reply 9
erm, you don't pay income tax if you are under 18, only national insurance..they can't fine him when it will probably turn out they owe him money:s I would be so mad if my mum told me to do something like that, your in the right and your brother sounds like a bit of a lazy guy!
Reply 10
If you earn over a certain limit then you should pay income tax, works out at about £4000.
Reply 11
thanks for the responces.

you are liable for income tax from the age of 16.

my brother does not earn enough to pay tax but you still have to return a tax return.

the fine is for late submission of the tax return, just for reference, this is not in the UK, we live in an offshore juristiction.
Reply 12
Please don't argue with your family.

They are the best possession you can have in your life.

that's a very generic statement considoring you don't know my family.

you get walked over if just give in.....seems like quite a weak philosophy to me!
Reply 13
Your family are not a 'possession'. They'll own you if you let them...

Tell your mother that you tried and the tax people insist on speaking to the culprit himself? It's a lie, but it'll get you off the hook.
Reply 14
just tell him stright and if he still doesnt then explain to your mum that he isnt a kid anymore
if he's old enough to be working then he's old enough to sort out things like that himself
Reply 16
too late.

mum did it for him.....bro gets away with it once more.
Reply 17
Please don't argue with your family.

They are the best possession you can have in your life.

If you had a family you would know that arguing is part of development.
Arguing in my opinion - means you care...if you don't argue then worry. But yes saying they are the most valuable 'possession' is a sweeping statement because many people have rubbish families lol and I don't mean that laid back, I mean in the serious sense.

Sorry to the OP that everything thats happening is affecting you so much, it is in no way at all your responsibility for what your brother does. If your mum does it, oh well ignore safe in the knowledge you will grow up grounded and independent whereas he will probably never learn how to look after himself.

Hope things work out.
Arguing in my opinion - means you care...if you don't argue then worry. But yes saying they are the most valuable 'possession' is a sweeping statement because many people have rubbish families lol and I don't mean that laid back, I mean in the serious sense.

Sorry to the OP that everything thats happening is affecting you so much, it is in no way at all your responsibility for what your brother does. If your mum does it, oh well ignore safe in the knowledge you will grow up grounded and independent whereas he will probably never learn how to look after himself.

Hope things work out.