The Student Room Group

Lse Lawyers

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Reply 1660
By the way, I'm off to sleep Nadeem. Is pretty late, and my first lecture tomorrow is at 11am.

I guess I'll see you tomorrow, perhaps?

Good night, and good luck.

I have a six hour gap between 11-5 maybe we could do lunch with Henry? And that reminds me last time we did this Emma stood us up, further humiliation!!! Anyway goodnight and see you around:smile:
ooooooh you two are so in for it when I get my hands on you
And while I will just ignore the last pages of dreaming up strange scenarios (you two have waaaay too much time on your hands I might add.. and incidently if some madman were to kidnap me today you two would so be in the frame for it.. see its all premeditated and announced right here for the world to see) I sense Sam that your first comment was not a joke, in which case I am rather disappointed with you :frown:
Reply 1663
Bittersweet Symphony
And while I will just ignore the last pages of dreaming up strange scenarios (you two have waaaay too much time on your hands I might add.. and incidently if some madman were to kidnap me today you two would so be in the frame for it.. see its all premeditated and announced right here for the world to see) I sense Sam that your first comment was not a joke, in which case I am rather disappointed with you :frown:

I don't know which comment you are referring to, but its all a joke. Your one of the small 25-30 people that I actually like at LSE.
Reply 1664
I don't know which comment you are referring to, but its all a joke. Your one of the small 25-30 people that I actually like at LSE.

Am I part of this group?!:p:
Reply 1665
Bittersweet Symphony
ooooooh you two are so in for it when I get my hands on you

What have we done now!:angel:....I see you've reached your 666th post a bit too much of a coincidence!
Reply 1666
Am I part of this group?!:p:

Indeed you are my friend.
Reply 1667
What have we done now!:angel:....I see you've reached your 666th post a bit too much of a coincidence!

I dont think it is a coincidence lol.
Reply 1668
I dont think it is a coincidence lol.

lol obviously NOT a coincidence!
Reply 1669
lol obviously NOT a coincidence!

Reply 1670
I promised myself that I will start, and finish my 2,000 word public law essay today, and I want to keep that promise, so I will not post any more posts after this one, until 12am.
Reply 1671
Where the hell is everyone?

Reply 1672
Where the hell is everyone?


lol well I'm here, Emma has been kidnapped and Henry is drunk in the gutter...just the norm really!:p:
Reply 1673
lol well I'm here, Emma has been kidnapped and Henry is drunk in the gutter...just the norm really!:p:

hahaha. I've lost my light green gem. This religious lunatic neg repped me. I lost 101 points. I'm out of the exclusive club.
Reply 1674
hahaha. I've lost my light green gem. This religious lunatic neg repped me. I lost 101 points. I'm out of the exclusive club.

Your road of recovery starts here....!:p:
Reply 1675
I promised myself that I will start, and finish my 2,000 word public law essay today, and I want to keep that promise, so I will not post any more posts after this one, until 12am.

lol what happend to not posting untill midnight?!
Reply 1676
lol what happend to not posting untill midnight?!

I miss TSR, and I miss spamming this site with you Nadeem.

I really cannot believe someone neg repped me. The vast majority of people always agree with my views, as is demonstrated every Wednesday afternoons in our discussion sessions.
Reply 1677
I miss TSR, and I miss spamming this site with you Nadeem.

I really cannot believe someone neg repped me. The vast majority of people always agree with my views, as is demonstrated every Wednesday afternoons in our discussion sessions.

You missed me?!:p: This is preposterous EVERYONE agrees with you!!! You never cause controversy as we have seen every Wednesday!
Reply 1678
hahaha. I've lost my light green gem. This religious lunatic neg repped me. I lost 101 points. I'm out of the exclusive club.

You got your light green gem back yay!:biggrin:
Reply 1679
You missed me?!:p: This is preposterous EVERYONE agrees with you!!! You never cause controversy as we have seen every Wednesday!

Dont get too happy Nadeem lol.

Anyway, this nice user just repped me a moment ago so I have my light green gem back, and your alone again in your no-light green gem society lol.