The Student Room Group

Another, my other half is at freshers week

my other half is at freshers week this week, i am finding it really hard, i am starting to feel really distant from them at the moment and as if they are changing into a different person, they also make it seem like they have no time for me anymore and would rather be doing something else, even tho i would like to hear what they are getting up to. i may sound really selfish but i just want to hear from them. but i don't like the whole distance feeling thing, is this just a freshers week thing, i know its a new, big thing in their lives and they have to make friends and that but it would be nice to still feel like you are in there lives.

sorry its long.. but i would like to hear other peoples views and know how other people are coping. cheers
Reply 1
they also make it seem like they have no time for me anymore and would rather be doing something else

Hold on, He/She is at freshers week? And they're busy? Damn.. what is He/She thinking.
Reply 2
its a she, and she just makes it sound like she could be doing better things than talking to me, unless im just letting it get to me and becoming paranod.......
Reply 3
Sorry to break it to you mate, but she does have better things to be doing then talking to you.
Reply 4
I have kind of the opposite problem to be honest...

My boyfriend has just started his second week at uni, so last week was freshers' week. And I've seen about as much of him as usual, and he's been online nearly as much as usual, just not so much in the day time cos of induction sessions and stuff.

He's not been drinking with anyone from uni or anything, just stays in or comes to see me. And I'm glad I get to see him lots, but just a bit worried that he's missing out on uni stuff because of wanting to spend time with me.
Reply 5
dumb question, but what is fresher's week? lol.. is it like orientation week?

and as someone mentioned in the other thread, communication is key... talk to him/her about it...

plus, i think you should calm down a bit... its only a week... you cant be SO attached to a person
Reply 6
I have kind of the opposite problem to be honest...

My boyfriend has just started his second week at uni, so last week was freshers' week. And I've seen about as much of him as usual, and he's been online nearly as much as usual, just not so much in the day time cos of induction sessions and stuff.

He's not been drinking with anyone from uni or anything, just stays in or comes to see me. And I'm glad I get to see him lots, but just a bit worried that he's missing out on uni stuff because of wanting to spend time with me.

Tell him to sort it out then!

Refuse to see him for 5 days!
My bf just started his feshers week - i miss him already and i love talking to him, but more importantly i love him so i want him to be happy. I dont want him to spend his uni days missing me, or calling me, (as much as i love hearing his voice) I just want him to have a good time!If you really care about your other half you have to get over this and think about what is best for them not what is best for you. Sorry if that sounds harsh but i believe i am right. xx
It's probably just a first week thing. Wait untill it all settles down and it'll probably be a lot better. She'll be so hyped up i would imagine that she just wants to experience a new way off life on her own terms, then let you back in, so to speak, when she's readjusted :smile:
Reply 9
Give her time to settle in. She is in a new place trying to meet people to get comfortable. Just let her know you are there for her when she needs it.
Reply 10
kind the same...

I mean i really missed my girlfriernd friday. But now im much better and planned to see her and actually talked to her. I understand she needs to make new friends and hence i am giving her the space. I told her all the calls and me coming down where her choice and would happenw hen she wants... I think its better that way.

Dont worry about it she wont have forgotten about you yet

[EDIT] And i know its hard but above all TRUST her
When I go to uni if I'm still with my gf I'm breaking up if we arent in the same uni. Just miss out on too much, and long distance relationships are a lot of hassle.
Reply 12
When I go to uni if I'm still with my gf I'm breaking up if we arent in the same uni. Just miss out on too much, and long distance relationships are a lot of hassle.

Reply 13
It doesn't sound selfish; you're not wrong for wanting a little attention. Give her time to settle in and then if she's still distant maybe you need to rethink wasting any more time/effort/emotions on someone so feckless?
When I go to uni if I'm still with my gf I'm breaking up if we arent in the same uni. Just miss out on too much, and long distance relationships are a lot of hassle.

i was about to make a mean comment about you being mean lol but i guess if you're not in love then i guess there's nothing holding you...hmmm ended up as quite a lamo comment :redface: