The Student Room Group

24 hour tummy bug? OWWWWWIE!

last nite from out of no where ihad really bad stomach pains, they felt like contractions (!) followed by the need to poo really badly. Then i had wat i could only describe as the runs but solid (as in really frequently needing the toilet) then i was sick then i had diarrhoea ( i cant spell it). this morning, i stil have tummy ache but no need for the toilet so i took the day off college just incase.Any ideas what this is?
Reply 1
Poor you! I seem to get that quite regularly so I know how you feel!

You might have picked up a bug from somewhere, or you might have eaten something dodgy, just rest and drink plenty of fluids, thats really important otherwise you might get dehydrated. Leave it a few days to see if it passes, if not see your GP.
Reply 2
ok thanks for the advice..its horrible :frown:
Reply 3
I last had it a few months ago and its awful!

I went to bed one night and woke up about 3am with really bad stomach pains and that was it, I couldnt stop being sick after that, was constantly rushing to the toilet and in the end I slept on the bathroom floor as I was so fed up of getting up! Had a really bad upset stomach too. Was still being sick 24 hours later so had to call the doctor out, I dont think Ive ever felt so ill in my entire life! He said it was gastroentiritis, and just told me to take the week off work and drink loads of water.
Reply 4
Have you puked up your stomach acid yet? Thats when the party really starts!
Throwing up stomach acid-thats not fun!! I've had what the OP described-I had a bad stomach one night and then in the morning had really painful cramps-so bad that I was sort of doubled up. It went over the day though and by the next day I was ok again. You just have to ride it out and drink plenty of water and if you can try and eat something but if you can't don't force it-plain bread seems to be quite good.
It should pass in a couple of days. Whenever one of us had a tummy bug when we were younger my nan always said "starve for a day then start on dry toast". Isn't much fun when you get a tummy bug over Christmas and everyone has their meal while you're stuck with your toast.
Drink herbal tea, tastes like **** but does wonders. Also you should put glucose sugar in it to replace the stuff you're puking/****ing. Sounds like fun though! Also don't eat anything.
i feel for you, i had it pretty bad like that about 6 months ago. In the end i could bearly move without my body wanting to heave.
Eventually (once everything had left my body) i decided to eat some bread which made a world of difference, don't know why but thats the only advice i can give

- tried drinking lots of water but didn't help at all (what went in came straight back out!)
Yeah, if you drink water-drink it slowly.